Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guest blogger—a discouraged Romney voter

Not sure, but if I went back through 2004 comments on the internet, this could be a John Kerry voter. In those days, the Democrats were upset about many of the very things that bother Republicans today, especially an expanding war based on faulty intelligence (largely from the Clinton era).  They wanted recounts in Ohio, but decided finally to imitate the “values” position of the Republicans.  I don’t see anything I want to imitate in the Democrat party, except many their ability to tap the new technology to misuse the social media for their gain.  I suspect this guy, after pouting a bit, will get up, dust himself off, and continue voting and working for truth, justice, and the American way.  If he’s right, then the American way is the way of Europe.

I never thought I would see the day where Americans have grown into a mass of greedy, lazy. self serving, socialists. I never thought I would see the day where the once powerful and respectable news media would cave to the love of money over truth. I never thought I would see this once Great Nation, the envy of ALL nations on earth, crumble to the depths of socialism with the massive pile of debt that looms over our heads with no plan in sight to rid us of this burden. I am sick to my stomach. I want to vomit. What we have just witnessed is the end of The United States of America. We will never recover from this. The Republican party is doomed. We have tipped the 50% mark and will now pay the price of our greed. We have reached the point that Thomas Jefferson predicted would happen. Once people are able to vote themselves free money at the expense of other hard working people, we are done. I am done sending out political emails. I am done trying to make sense of what was happening to our country. I am done caring about it. The people have spoken. They obviously don't care. Please do not send me any more "What ifs", or "We should haves", or "if only we" type of emails any more. I really don't care any more. Mark my words, 20$ trillion dollars will be what we owe at the end of this idiots next term. That will be 1$ trillion dollars in interest every year. Unemployment will top out at around 15% and that will be the new normal and it will be okay with everyone, because this guy is....."Cool". Gas will be 6$ to 7$ dollars a gallon. Businesses, the ones that will be left, will be leaving the country in droves. It will no longer be feasible to do business in the USA any more. We will no longer be a manufacturing country. We will be nothing more than a consumer nation that will leach off of the rest of the world. How pathetic have we become? We have allowed a decent, God fearing, caring man like Mitt Romney, who had more knowledge in his little fingernail about how to return this nation to health go down to a self serving, lying, Constitution hating, Declaration of Independence loathing, racially dividing, class envying socialist. Nice work America. Good luck. God help us all.

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