Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Memories—March 1987

Monday Memories

Both my sister and my brother and their families moved to Florida in the late 1970s, thus giving all of us a destination for winter vacations.  My parents weren’t exactly snow birds, but in the early 80s they did get the hang of spending a few weeks and renting an apartment.  Recently a post card has surfaced from my Aunt’s estate, probably mailed from a shorter visit, and so we have a 25 year old account of what they were doing in Florida in March 1987 written by my mother to her sister.

“Had a good trip down.  Stan, Casey and Heather met us at the Sarasota airport.  The weather is quite cool, but sunny.  Carol will take me to the spa for swimming several mornings.  Howard has browned up at the ball park with Stan.  Attended Church of the Brethren again with Greg, Cindy and Ron.

String concert Sunday Eve.  My old cello is back from repairs and Heather ready to take lessons.

We will be home Thursday nite.  Having a great time.”

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