Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Week-end, Monday Memories 2016

Our daughter and son-in-law also got in on the fun of yard work and spring cleaning this year which we traditionally do on Memorial Day week-end. With four more hands and two younger bodies we got a lot accomplished.  But we did take some time off for fun.  We drove to Sortino's in Sandusky for a great Italian meal Friday evening. The portions are so large that we each got a take home box and enjoyed it for Saturday evening, too. Really wonderful food.

Time Warner came out to install internet on Saturday so certain people who vacation there in July and their parents will continue to be connected. The nice thing is that we'll be able to watch our cable TV programs we subscribe to without having cable service at the lake. We made sure everything worked on our devices--collectively among us, we had 4 phones, 2 Nooks, 3 i-pads, 1 laptop and 1 TV while getting internet service for wi-fi. Our daughter got everything running smoothly. She's a tech wizard.

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