Monday, March 26, 2018

Washington Post—hysterical as usual

I could only laugh when WaPo's headline flashed on my I-pad. Cambridge Analytica had sent foreigners (gasp) to work in the U.S. Isn't that a racist allusion? Doesn't the Left love foreigners coming to our country, especially without "documents" and doing the work of Americans? Don't Google and Facebook hire foreigners with special visas to do jobs Americans are too dumb and uneducated to do, like computer programming, data mining and app design? And the very MSM folks who want global government and global economy are horrified that in 2014, before Trump was even in their sights and playing with their minds "Whistleblower Christopher Wylie said the “dirty little secret was that there was no one American involved in it, that it was a de facto foreign agent, working on an American election.” Obama's campaign had raised the bar for data mining in 2012, and WaPo just can't imagine that anyone could be more clever or devious than Obama!

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