Thursday, January 23, 2020

Updating my list of conservative news and talker shows

This A-List of conservative columnists, tv and radio hosts, talking heads, bloggers and guest commentators originally was published here 2.5 years old,  borrowed it from Christopher Buckley with his permission.  Now I’ve added a few names, and deleted some. You don't have to depend on the broadcast media or the MSM Trump haters. Your mileage will vary. It’s too much work to track down all the links so just Google, DuckDuckGo or Bing them.


Sharyl Attkinsson: Investigative Journalist. "Full Measure."
Fred Barnes: executive editor of The Weekly Standard
Glenn Beck: politics, author, producer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur
Bill Bennett: pundit, politician, political theorist, author
Brent Bozell: Founder, President Media Research Center; columnist, TV commentator
Tammy Bruce: nationally syndicated radio host, author, and political commentator. Lesbian.
Tucker Carlson
Bernard Chapin
Pat Condell
Ann Coulter: Lawyer, author, columnist, frequent TV guest
Steven Crowder
Monica Crowley: Columnist, talk radio, author. PhD.
Mark Dice
Matt Drudge
Dinesh D'Souza, Indian
Larry Elder, black
Eric Erikson
Nigel Farage, British
Richard Fernandez
John Fund
Mike Gallagher
Pamela Gellar: Commentator,  Activist Counter-jihad movement
Paul Gigot
Jonah Goldberg
Sebastian Gorka, British Hungarian immigrant
Joe Dan Gorman
Greg Gutfield
Sean Hannity
Daniel Hannon
Victor Davis Hanson, columnist, professor, farmer
Daniel Henninger
Hugh Hewitt
Jim Hoft
David Horowitz
Mike Huckabee
Brit Hume
Laura Ingraham: radio talk show host, book author, political commentator, guest host for O'Reilly
Janice Fiamengo
Boris Johnson
Alex Jones
Brian Kilmeade
Andrew Klavin
Bill Kristol
Michael Ledeen
Mark Levin
Dana Loesch: talk radio host, television host. Big 2A fan
Rush Limbaugh
Frank Luntz
Heather MacDonald: political commentator, journalist City Journal, author War on Cops
Andrew McCarthy
Gavin McGuinness
Michelle Malkin: political commentator, blogger, author 4 books, weekly syndicated column.
Michael Medved
Eric Metaxas, Christian, biographer
Dennis Miller
Dick Morris
Charles Murray, author, lecturer
Lionel Nation, YouTube channel
Peggy Noonan
James Okeefe
Bill O'Reilly
Candace Owens, black talk show on Prager University
Joe Pags
Jordon B. Peterson, Canadian, psychologist
John Podhoretz
Dennis Prager
Michael Ramirez
Dave Ramsey, money and budget; Christian
Michael Rechtenwald
Glenn Reynolds
Rockin Mr. E
Dave Rubin
Karl Rove
Gad Saad
Michael Savage
Buck Sexton
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell, black
Mark Steyn
John Stossell
Kimberley Strassel: Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, weekly "Potomac Watch"
James Taranto
Stacy Washington, black
Matt Walsh
Michael Walsh
Paul Joseph Watson
Allen West, black
Bill Whittle
Geert Wilders, Dutch
Walter E. Williams, black
Kevin Williamson
Milo Yiannopoulos

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