Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Joe Biden, the faithless Catholic

"In 1988, Biden ended his search for the presidency when it was discovered that, in reciting the story of his life, he had plagiarized a speech given by Neil Kinnock, the leader of the Labour Party in Britain. The late Bernard Nathanson quipped that the reason it took Biden so long to withdraw was that he was waiting to plagiarize the withdrawal statement of Ted Kennedy. "

"When [Joe Biden] was chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the Senate, he worked closely with Ted Kennedy, and with malicious deceit, in defeating the nomination of Robert Bork. That led in turn to the nomination of Anthony Kennedy. Justice Kennedy would lead a defection of Republican appointees in 1992 to block the overruling of Roe v Wade.

And after securing the right to abortion for another generation, he laid the groundwork for removing, from the laws, any adverse judgment on the homosexual life. (Romer v Evans, 1996, Lawrence v. Texas, 2003). With that, he installed the premises that led, step-by-step to same-sex marriage (Obergefehl v. Hodges, 2015)."

Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing, Nov. 3, 2020

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