Monday, November 16, 2020

Violence against pro-Trump supporters in DC

There was a huge rally for President Trump on Saturday.  I’ve seen the photos—it was definitely more than 10,000 which was reported by the Wall St. Journal.  Tens of thousands. They came from all over the country.  I know a few people who went, so I’ll ask them.  The reports were it was peaceful until after the rally when “counter-protestors”  Here’s how Buzzfeed (leftist online media) describes Antifa.  “Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is a decentralized movement that protests against the far-right, with some occasionally resorting to violence.”  Yes, tell that one to all the people in Minneapolis, Kenosha, Portland, etc. whose businesses and city buildings were burned, looted or destroyed in “occasional violence” during the summer of 2020.   Those silly Biden supporters who think now everything is going to calm down need to see some of the attacks on children and restaurant diners.

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