Monday, September 16, 2024

The Democrat media blame Trump for Florida attempt on his life

Just last week Harris lied on national TV with her friendly, sisterhood moderators not calling her on it, falsely accusing Trump of calling Nazis “fine people”, promising a “bloodbath,” and being responsible for “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Those debunked lies she repeats resonate with weak minded people like Ryan Routh who tried to kill Trump in Florida yesterday at his poorly guarded by Secret Service golf course. Weak minded Democrats who now believe "democracy" means bloated federal agencies never elected to anything. Weak minded Harris who has called for defunding of police, elimination of "resource" officers in schools, and taking the guns (mandated) of law-abiding citizens. Weak minded Biden who withdrew Kennedy's Secret Service protection (of only a few weeks) as soon as he supported Trump.
Yet, a blind, deaf leftist media slavishly bowing to their party of hate continued their brand of virtuous outrage yesterday afternoon reporting the crime as Trump's fault and saying HE needs to tone down the rhetoric. I suppose they mean he shouldn't talk about taxes or inflation or foreign wars or abortion or the border or bringing back jobs to our country that fled to friendlier shores. Then they quickly move on to Springfield, OH and blame Vance for Biden's resettlement of 20-30,000 refugees swamping a small town of 60,000. Those calls to the city government have been recorded and are out there, but the media blame everyone but themselves.
Biden/Harris have made all the USA  border states. Socialist equity. Only their families get guards and security gates. Sometimes I hear "how dumb do they think we are," but it should be "how long can they fool Democrats."

Ryan Routh was supporter of Ukraine. "The suspect in the FBI's custody said in a June 2022 video interview with Newsweek Romania that he was in Ukraine to help recruit people to the war effort.
Routh said that he was in Ukraine originally to help fight but that ge was 56 years old and had no fighting experience and was subsequently turned down. He said he stayed in Kyiv afterward to promote projects to support the army.

"Plan B was to come here to Kyiv and promote getting more people here," Routh said in the interview. "You know, we need thousands and thousands and thousands of people here fighting with the Ukrainians."

Routh said the world was at a "critical juncture" in the war, which he called a struggle of good versus evil."

Sounds to me like he must have had some money and backing to fly to Europe, live there and without knowing the language or having military experience, he evangelized the war we Americans are paying for. And he was willing to die in order to stop Trump. That's some religion the leftists are preaching.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Springfield, Ohio and adjusting to a population increase

One thing most of the nation found out that they didn't know Tuesday night (debate) is that Biden/Harris has imported 20-30,000 Haitian immigrants to Springfield, OH, a town of under 58,000. I looked back a bit to flesh that out, and the city fathers and the community welcomed this several years ago because they needed some growth and more workers. But that's a lot of non-English speaking people, especially during a lockdown, to resettle, house, feed, an acculturate. It was a big blow to the tax base, although the churches and non-profits initially received government grants. Some homes were sold at really great prices and turned into sort of group homes or dorms. But that depressed the values of other homes in the area, and the neighborhoods splintered. OK. It still looks like (if you can trust the mayor and npr's reporting) they were coping nicely.

Let's take race and immigration status out of the mix. We have home grown Americans and Canadians who also expand in groups. Anabaptists--or more familiarly, The Amish. The Hutterites. The Mennonites. What if real estate scouts from 2 northern Indiana Amish counties decided to purchase land in central Ohio because their tradition of dividing property among their large families had become too difficult and they needed to spread out. How does an influx of maybe 15 Amish families with 6-10 children who own thousands of acres in a school district or taxing district and who have a different set of values about education or health, or technology impact a near-by small town of 5-10,000 Lutherans, Baptists and Catholics? Small Ohio cities are dealing with something like this when the government and its allies in the non-profit world move in and revise all the unspoken traditions of the community.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Harris lied, Trump won the debate

Of course, when Trump said it, our dear MSM said he was a liar. But it's out there. Remember, she said (as a message to her leftist base) my values have not changed.

"KFile, an investigative outfit at CNN, unearthed a document this week that provides several alarming insights into what the Democratic candidate might actually believe in, including taxpayer-funded sex changes for illegal aliens and federal prisoners, eliminating the Hyde Amendment, statehood for Washington, D.C., decriminalizing crack cocaine for personal use, and cutting Immigration and Customs Enforcement funding.

These revelations, contained within an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire completed in 2019 by then-Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.), have renewed concerns about the Democrat's radicalism and even managed to surprise CNN's Erin Burnett. " (The Blaze, Sept 10)

And ACLU has a Harris compilation--a roadmap--which it thinks will further its policies, yet warns about Project 2025 by Heritage Conservatives. Wow. Democrats. I didn't even want to download the document. Too scary for me. It's called "The Harris Memos Compilation."

Now Hugh Hewitt has reversed his opinion about the debate and says he thinks Trump won the debate.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Arguing with AI

As of 2023 women have been included the Ohio State Marching Band for 50 years (5 joined in 1973 due to Title IX which activists are now trying to destroy). So, I asked Chatgpt how many women are in the 2024 band, and it told me there were 225 members in the band. So, I rewrote the question capitalizing WOMEN and asked if it was a DEI thing it couldn't answer. It told me I would have to contact the university, in other words, Chatgpt doesn't know. I tried again, and this time it told me there were 247 members and 20-25% were women.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Remember the subprime mortgages? 2008?

"Washington’s new favorite subprime lender is none other than Uncle Sam. In a little noticed report last week—make that not noticed at all—the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the feds will lose $65.2 billion on risky loans and other “credit assistance” in the next fiscal year." Wall St. Journal editorial board.

This can be figured 2 ways. One is the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA), and the other is based on a measure of fair value. "Using FCRA procedures—the standard way in which costs of credit programs are measured in the federal budget—CBO estimates that new loans and loan guarantees issued in 2025 would cost the federal government $2.4 billion over their lifetime. Using the fair-value approach, which measures the market value of the government’s obligations by accounting for market risk, CBO estimates that those loans and guarantees would have a lifetime cost of $65.2 billion. (Market risk is the component of financial risk that remains even with a well-diversified portfolio; it arises from shifts in macroeconomic conditions, such as productivity and employment, and from changes in expectations about future macroeconomic conditions.)"

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Trump's economic plan and the Reagan movie

I watched some of Donald Trump's speech at the Economic Club of New York (Sept. 5) on Fox. Don't know if the Democrat media covered it--Trump joked about them being there. He itemized his 2025 tax agenda in a very dry, business-like style, very different than his rallies. Wants to make his tax cuts permanent--these benefited all the quintiles, but especially the middle class. Pelosi particularly lied about this his entire term. A 15% corporate tax rate “solely for companies that make their product in America,” “expanded” research and development tax credits, restoring 100% bonus depreciation, and no tax on SS for seniors or on tips. Some of his "pillars" we've heard in his rallies, but this is all economics. The Democrats are now the party of wealth, so some of these have their support. He talked about waste and fraud and said he would create a special commission led by Elon Musk.

We went to see the movie Reagan with a group of like-minded (all conservative Christians) Thursday night. Everyone I'd talked to who had seen it raved about it. One couple in our group saw it twice. It was OK, but then I hadn't seen a first run movie since before Covid, so I'm a little out of the loop on the cost, the sound system that assumes everyone is deaf, and I just had trouble seeing actors playing historical figures of MY lifetime. Although they did a good job of inserting TV news clips. I never voted for Reagan and until I read a book about the President, Pope and Prime Minister (that may not be the exact title) I didn't know much about his contribution to the fall of the USSR. Like many Americans of the last 40 years, I just absorbed the alphabet media ABCBSNBCPBS 3-5 minute assessment of the evening news. I was a Democrat and my workplace (academe) was probably 75% Democrat, so I never heard another view. But also, it seems I'd heard of him all my life. Mt. Morris isn't that far from Dixon, and he was the local guy who went to Hollywood. My father knew him, although Reagan was a few years older, and played college football against him. The "hometown" scenes in the movie were fun to see--Rock River, the Dixon arch and his family home. I would recommend it though, and it's probably close to the history, except it didn't mention the Pope. Of course, all the reviews will be negative. Leopards don't change their spots. Ignore them. The audiences in this town have loved it.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Harris' two war dilemma

The two wars in which we are now engaged (Israel/Hamas and Russia/Ukraine) would not have happened if Biden/Harris hadn't shown how weak this administration is back in August 2021. But that ship has sailed. We're in it now and half the country seems OK with that really poor leadership, exchanging a man who couldn't talk for a woman who is afraid to talk.
My question is why do Democrats/leftists seem so interested in some sort of negotiated peace for Israel/Hamas when Hamas and all radical Muslims have declared that Israel has no right to exist, but never even suggest that a third party might work with Russia and Ukraine to save lives and work through territorial disagreements. Neither war is in our best interest.

Does it go back to all those Ukrainian deals made by Biden's son when Joe was vice president? A lot of money changed hands. Or could there be growing anti-Semitism in the U.S., especially in the Biden/Harris administration? And what is the motive of people willing to vote for Harris to extend this mess?

Monday, September 02, 2024

Hollywood likes Trump's polices, but they are queasy about character

I was listening to an interview of Hollywood actor Michael Rapaport. He said he thought Trump's language was rough and divisive, but he had to be bleeped at least 4 times, and he was being interviewed by Sage Steel (female, former sports announcer for ESPN). Supposedly he is a "convert" from Hollywood leftism, but that's not the first time I've heard leftists decry Trump's divisiveness and language. They forget what he's been called by the other side--with no proof. They forget that Democrats lied and created legal cases against him that would have never been brought against another American. Because Trump tells the truth about crime surging, inflation, wide open borders, George Soros and the prosecutors paid by the Democrats, the Biden/Harris regime and the bug out in Afghanistan, they somehow think that is name calling. I'm good with words and I don't like cussing or swearing, or the F-word used as a noun, verb, adjective and exclamation, (which I haven't heard Trump use but Megyn Kelly does) but calling someone Sleepy Joe Biden or putting the wrong accent on Kamala's name, or deliberately mispronouncing Gov. Newsom's name hardly adds up to "threat to democracy," or "deplorables," or "bitter clingers." When I do a search, I get a Microsoft news aggregator, and the stories are 90% anti-Trump. Even the photos are ugly. It collects the weirdest conspiracies you can imagine about Trump. And he says mean tweets and silly nick names? Give me a break!

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Mark Alexander wrote in early 2017: "“The day Trump arrived in DC, he dropped a bomb on the Beltway status quo in Congress and its special interests. He dropped a bomb on the regulatory behemoths and their bureaucratic bottlenecks. He dropped a bomb on the trade and national security institutions and alliances that failed miserably over the previous eight years. And he dropped a bomb on all the pundits and mainstream media outlets.”

And that tells you the depth of hate and fear from Democrats and some Republicans and the source of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a war and they are fighting back--they want him destroyed. And a growing number suspect that might include assassination. It's why they call him a threat to democracy--because it's all they've ever known--special interests, regulatory agencies, red tape and bottlenecks, failed trade and security alliances, and a biased, one party media.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Reading to children

The word gap in early childhood is important. A child with a Mom who reads to her may hear a million more words than one who doesn't have that advantage.  I have many happy memories of Mom reading to my brother and me in the big burgundy late 40s chair with arms large enough to hold two children of school age (the chair, not hers). I can probably even remember the books. We didn't know what an advantage she was giving us even though we lived in a rural town of 1,000 with all 12 grades in one building. No amount of DEI later in life or Head Start as toddlers can surpass a mother who reads to her children. I remember the Little Engine that Could, the Ugly Duckling, and the Wee wee Mannie and the big big Coo to this day. Those stories had an ideology and lessons, great illustrations and challenging vocabulary plus Mom did great accents.

Good-bye Summer

Good-bye summer.
That's what I think on September 1. It's my favorite month, though. It was the start of school (in the old days) and I loved school. It is the month of my birthday and anniversary of our wedding (64 this year). Did you know that Good-bye is a contraction of "God be with you?" Think on that each time you say good-bye. You are blessing them with God's presence and protection. It's the basis of that old hymn, "God be with you till we meet again." 
“God Be With You Till We Meet Again”, which was written by Jeremiah Rankin, was simply composed so his church choir could have something to sing when they parted each week. Rankin was the minister for the First Congregational Church in Washington, D.C. and said this about the hymn, “Written…as a Christian goodbye, it was called forth by no person or occasion, but was deliberately composed as a Christian hymn on basis of the etymology of “goodbye,” which is “God be with you.” He got the idea for the first stanza of the song when he saw the dictionary definition of “good-bye” was short for “God be with you.” The song was written in 1882 when Rankin was 54 years old."