Wednesday, February 01, 2006

2101 A fine speech

He's no Reagan, but he isn't as long winded as Clinton, a lot prettier to watch than Carter, and much more inspiring than his dad. It was a fine speech. "Hindsight alone is not wisdom," Bush said. "And second-guessing is not a strategy."

"President Bush's 2006 State of the Union address was a familiar stew: a dash of Reaganesque optimism, a pinch of Clintonian small-bore initiatives, a heaping teaspoon of Truman-like tough talk, and a generous portion of warmed-up leftovers from previous policy speeches. But as familiar as the ingredients of the President's Jan. 31 oration were to viewers, they formed a tasty recipe for American business." Business Week

"Hampered by huge budget deficits and an unpopular war, President Bush will seek to take charge of the election-year agenda Tuesday by declaring America must break its dependence on Mideast oil and calling for training 70,000 math and science teachers to improve the nation's competitiveness." Forbes

Since nothing was done to fix Social Secuity, last year's poster child, I won't hold my breath on the energy theme.


Norma said...

Isn't it amazing Mr. T how our interests have changed. Our topic in writing class today was high school.

Kimmy said...

I thought he gave a great speech...with a lot of fluff like most politicians. My favorite was..."Hindsight alone is not wisdom," Bush said. "And second-guessing is not a strategy." Perfect! (If looks could kill Hilary would have been sitting next to Cindy Sheehan.)

Thanks for stopping by and wishing my mom well. (And for the tip on changing the date and time. My new favorite feature!)