Saturday, November 14, 2009

Climate politics

My thoughts exactly. From a letter to the WSJ
    "The politics of global warming is an updated version of colonialism by the developed nations, which want to impose regulations on the "primitives" through the threat of denial of finances. This is to be done while ignoring the more pressing needs of the subjugated people under the guise of saving the planet, and it is really no different from previous colonial powers that also ignored humanitarian needs with the theological rubric of saving souls. Now it will be the United Nations that is the colonial monarch that dictates to the developed nations and takes ransom via global taxation.

    Zev Joseph

    Charleston, W.V."


tdsinfo said...

If you actually looked at what developing countries are saying, you'd see that they are urging developed countries to take a more aggressive role on climate change. Your theory sounds good to some perhaps, put it simply doesn't hold up with what is happening on the ground. Everything is a conspiracy to some people, and we fail to have any concern for what the current energy economy is doing to developing nations, nor the enormous wealth transfer going on every day.

You might want to take a more open-minded approach to what is happening in climate change negotiations, as well as the science that drives it.

The developing nations already suffer from climate change, but then I take you you don't think there is any climate change really going on.

Norma said...

He followed this one up with an excellent article about cyclones. You might want to read that one.

I definitely believe in climate change. Where I live used to be covered by a glacier. It's the CO2 hysteria that I don't buy in to. And now that the decade of lies has been uncovered, maybe you should reconsider your religious faith in a lie.

Anonymous said...

You won't change his mind with facts--he'd rather attack the messenger. And unless he watches Fox, and doesn't sound like he wants anything but the usual news lite, he probably hasn't heard about that huge cache of e-mails and data--157 MB--which is blowing the lid off his favorite theories with the lies and deception of the human caused warming movement. I don't think any of the other broadcast or cable sources have even mentioned it in 4-5 days since the file was released.