Saturday, November 07, 2009

Donating blood--bring your itinerary

Today I was signed up to donate blood and I was at the church about 5 minutes early. I read through the instructions; I told the sign-in lady that I had had a long 20 minute conversation with someone at the 800 number about my trip in March--Greece, Turkey, Israel and Egypt. I was told then (2 weeks ago), that all the cities were cleared for malaria, and I should just report the conversation. She took me in to consult with some one in maroon medical garb and a stethoscope. "Were you there 5 years?" he said. "No, 10 days." "OK."

So after having my blood tested, my temperature taken, my blood pressure measured and my pulse checked, and answering all sorts of questions about AIDS, vaccinations and people I have sex with, the young woman who was recovering from the flu and still on antibiotics got to the travel part. Again I told her, Greece, Turkey, Israel and Egypt. "Which provinces or cities?" she asked. Well, I hadn't brought along my itinerary, and Turkish names don't exactly tumble off my tongue. But I did remember Antalya and Mersin, which were flagged, so I couldn't donate blood. "But I was told. . . " just didn't cut it.


Renee Nefe said...

were they able to tell you how long you would have to wait until you were "in the clear?"

Norma said...

The date recorded is 03102010, which I suppose is one year after travel.