Monday, February 23, 2004

235 Jobs aren't the only things going overseas

The New York Times Sunday reported on how the jobs we’re shipping overseas are changing long held traditions. [In India] . . . caste, religion and other age-old Indian social divisions are being shaken. Empowered by an ample paycheck, often from big American companies like American Express and America Online, some Indian workers are living lavishly on credit cards, and their open-mindedness is breaking conventions about dating.” Full story here.

Young women in their 20s are not living with their parents, they are moving to the city and renting apartments, are working nights so that they can connect with their American customers thus becoming cut off from their own peer group, are not wearing traditional clothing, are drinking alcohol, wearing make-up and creating a role reversal by sending home money for their parents, who aren’t earning as much as their children.

They are becoming more materialistic, and settling for live-in relationships rather than marriage. “Many of these young Indians deal with car insurance but may never own a car; book hotel suites that cost nearly as much as their annual pay; and chat about pretzels, snow and baseball, which they have never tasted, seen or experienced.”

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