Monday, June 09, 2008

Europeans much prefer Obama

was the WSJ headline. What's not to like? The USA has been steadily tracking downward since we elected (well, not me, but you) a Democratic Congress in 2006. Everyone, especially investors, knows that with Obama in office the Bush tax cuts will be rescinded and taxes will be raised; more liberals will be elected to the courts; nothing will be done about the AMT; the borders will become more porous flooding our social service agencies; less hope for anything that resembles the strong, resilient America of the past; more built-in helplessness for workers which is sure to open avenues for workers in other countries. This scares off venture capital which will probably go to Asia or Europe. We haven't been well liked in Europe for many years, long before Bush--everyone wants the Big Guy to fail--it's sort of human nature. And without the threat of the USSR, the USA was the only one left to hate. I think Europeans are rubbing their hands with glee and hope we fail big time. Obama's just the man to help that along. But I hope Europeans remember that as retired and middle class Americans get poorer under Obama, they will be traveling less and purchasing less also.


Anonymous said...

Your ignorance is astounding. And your words are drivel at best.

This is your candidate?

Norma said...

Which fact are you disputing? His promises to raise taxes? That the USSR collapsed? That venture capital knows no geographic boundaries. Betcha' can't.

I don't have a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what tracking you're referencing from 2006-2008, but by nearly every measure we have been trending downward since the republicans took control of the govt in 2001. The fact that Congress hasn't been able to right the ship in a year and a half speaks to the fact that things are really, really broken and that America can't yet can't override a presidential veto or a republican filibuster.

Don't fret though. In a couple of years, the unprecedented number of people saying that America is on the wrong track will finally begin to rebound and America will once again become the shining city upon a hill.

Who knows, in 8-12 years, things may be fixed well enough that another smoke and mirrors republican candidate can connive his way back into office.

Anonymous said...

I'm talking about your interpretations and priorities on what problems with this country need the focusing. Are you really railing against illegal immigration still? Why don't you go build a 10 foot wall between the two countries till your final day. You're a dieing breed, Norma. The youth of this nation are clearly the ones taxed to fix it. Thank God their eyes are open and their political spines are flexible enough to grab the best of today's left and right while supporting the center that will provide the change this country so desperately needs.

Norma said...

"the borders will become more porous flooding our social service agencies"

This is railing against illegal immigation? I never supported a wall or fence; too expensive and impractical; just wanted the laws enforced. And they do go home when that happens. We have no fence to speak of. We also have no candidate who wants a protected border, so I'm right and you're wrong. Neither candidate is promoting meaningful change. All the political phrases being tossed about are pretty tired and chipped into stone. We hear them every 4 years. How old are you? 12?

Anonymous said...

"We also have no candidate who wants a protected border, so I'm right and you're wrong."

You're such an idiot. A child.

You run a whole blog about illegal immigration for Christ's sake! And you're quoting one line from a single post to say you don't rail against illegal immegration? Just ... forget it.

Norma said...

Anon 4:52: Testy, aren't you? If you come to visit at someone's home, are you always this rude? Write your own blog. Then you won't have to hide. This one is mine. My opinions. You're a guest. Behave yourself. Did I support a wall or law enforcement (passed by bi-partisan Congress) at my illegal immigration blog?

Anonymous said...

Your putting your "opinions" online because you want the world to see it. Therefore, you must accept when people tell you you're wrong. You called Anonymous a 12-year-old. Then you scolded him when he responded by calling you an idiot. If you're gonna play ball, you can't grab your equipment and take it home when somebody tackles you. Unbelievable.

Norma said...

"you must accept when people tell you you're wrong."

I didn't call him a 12 year old, I asked him. He didn't deny that I was right about candidates and the border security issue, just called me a child, which was pretty odd considering I don't make my age a secret here. I, OTOH, have no idea if he's reading my blog as a middle school exercise or he's just wandering the internet looking for people to disagree with. It happens.

Let's see how this works. You, Rick, are wrong; I've just shown you the truth. You've posted your opinion on the internet, at my blog; therefore you must accept it that I've told you that you are wrong. He/she made erroneous statements not only about this entry, but about one of my other blogs, indicating that she's a hit and run reader interested only in her own views. So I asked him/her his age--his political drift I already knew.

This blog is about my opinions; you've got that part right. Often I also offer links to back up what I say. Sometimes, a reader drops by with information, links or ideas I haven't thought of and I consider them and thank him. You, Rick, aren't one of those readers, but I invite you back and invite you to read a little deeper. I write on about 20 topics.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous disagrees with you and you tell him to get his own blog. I tell you he has the right to disagree with you in your comment section, and you tell me I'm wrong.

Why don't you just turn off your comments then? Better yet, write this crap in a text file and save it to your hard drive. Then nobody has to read the crap or, God forbid, disagree.

You asked him if he was 12, which IMPLIES he was 12, which is an insult on all accounts. Your inability to grasp that concept provides understanding to the rest of your mindless preaching.

"How old are you? 12?"

"I didn't call him a 12 year old, I asked him."

Get the Hell out of here!

You try and bend and sway to appear correct, but your words betray you.

Norma said...

You can't stand the truth so you start insulting me on my blog. However, you haven't been able to refute a single point I've made--you've simply offered an opinion that I'm a dying breed, a child posting ignorant drivel, whose taken her football and gone home when tackled--(assuming Rick is anon's sock puppet or first cousin) all because I've repeated Obama's talking points and a line from the WSJ.

The next abusive, swearing comment you post here will go in the trash. And that's the truth.