Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Jacksons vs. Obama

Remember last summer when Jesse Jackson didn't have his mike off and said he hoped for an Obama castration? Literally. I'm much too refined to quote him. You can just go to Google. So Blagojevich after the election finds out that he will get nothing for appointing Obama's favorite, Valerie Jarret, but can get a pay off from Daddy Jackson who has all that blackmail money from CEOs with the wrong number of minorities on their staff. The Obamarama Crowd then decided to pay Jackson back by turning on his son, the infamous #5. Now both dad and son have hired lawyers, Obama's still claiming to be tri-squeeky clean (heard nothing, saw nothing, said nothing), and the press is all shaking its collective talking head suggesting, "Oh well, we all know Blago was crazy." That way when he sings, as we know he will do to reduce his sentence (I've watched Law and Order for about 15 years), his reputation and credibility will be totally destroyed. Never you mind that Obama was on his team when he was running for Governor of Illinois--and didn't notice he was a few bricks short of a load. Jesse just needed that pay back. You just don't cross an Obama. After all, Grandma was a bank vice president and he's got all those Ivy League creds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He may have to hurry to beat Rezko to it according to WaPo "Rezko, a 53-year-old developer, was convicted in June of 16 criminal counts, including fraud, money laundering and abetting bribery. He is in custody awaiting sentencing.

Prosecutors depicted Rezko at trial as a fixer for Blagojevich and the man to see to secure a high-level appointment with the governor's administration. Rezko had been a longtime fundraiser for Blagojevich and other Illinois politicians, including Obama."

You probably don't need to torture these guys just make them sit in jail for 6 months or so without all their perks.