Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he lie to us during the campaign? I watched this video, and although it is disturbing, it's hard to know how much has been edited out which may have explained the statements. I see what the left does to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck to rile up the net wackos and extremists, watched that Congressman distort and lie about the Republican health care plans, and I'm sure it can happen with our President.

He says he is a Christian, I've heard his Christian testimony, so I'll accept him at his word. Christians aren't saved by what they do or say, but by the work of Jesus Christ on their behalf. If he IS a Muslim, as the video purports, then blacks, homosexuals and women should be the most worried. Plus it would make him a infidel for claiming he's a Christian.

What I found deeply disturbing was hearing him talk in the glowing terms about other countries, their accomplishments and culture (Muslim all) and yet he doesn't have a decent, kind, knowledgeable word to say about his own. Birthers believe he was born in Kenya; I sometimes think he was born in another century or on another planet, he's so out of touch with what it means to be an American! That obsequious, smarmy behavior in itself ought to clue the Muslim leaders and our own that something's very fishy about this guy.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
From the outside the Muslins would like to destroy the United States and become THE world power. Hmmmm? Gee, what is Obama currently doing from the inside? Let's see, if he talks like a Muslin, behaves like one, makes positive references to them so many times, wouldn't anyone conclude that he just might be one?
Wake up America!

Donna B. said...

I cannot see what is in his heart, of course. But I see no outward evidence of any core belief. That worries me more than if he were upfront Muslim.