Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The alien in the White House

When I commented on my blog some time ago that Obama was not "one of us" I received such vicious, race-baiting comments I think I took that essay down. People Liberals think you're talking about race or ethnicity, not character or patriotism. So I was glad to see Dorothy Rabinowitz's column in today's WSJ, "The alien in the White House" because she covers it all. The man doesn't know or respect our history--not even its failings. Who but the clueless about the spiritual base of the Civil Rights movement would turn Martin Luther King day into a national work day? Who but a man who had no respect for the military would make small talk to his audience before addressing a Muslim terrorist attack on our soil, on our military base? What President ever would jump into a purely local issue--behavior of police observing a break-in and call it racist without knowing the facts--but wait weeks and weeks to rally his subordinates in charge of the regulatory agencies to address an economy killing oil disaster? Who would go on an apology tour while we are still at war--or what commander-in-chief would all but ignore those wars he promised 3 years ago to end? Who but one who is an empty hollow shell, a man without a country, without an inner source, a complete narcissist, a man with no belief system except failed marxism, political grave of the spiritually dead. No, he isn't one of us. Nor is he in any traditional sense of the word, a leader.

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Alien in the White House -

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