Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Gay men thinner than heterosexuals

Some stereotypes are true. Actually, most are based on fact, like the one about librarians not being fashionable and wearing funny shoes.* Seems gay men are skinny and lesbians fat.

"In a study published in American Journal of Public Health, researchers determined that while 21 percent of straight men were classed as obese, only 14 percent of gay men were. The opposite was true of gay women. 26 percent of lesbians were found to be obese, as compared with 17 percent of the straight women."

Study: Gay men thinner than heterosexuals, lesbian heavier (

Kerith J. Conron, Matthew J. Mimiaga, and Stewart J. Landers, "A Population-Based Study of Sexual Orientation Identity and Gender Differences in Adult Health," June 1, 2010

*When I worked for the State of Ohio in the 80s, I had to dress much nicer than when I worked in a library, and I always wore high heels. But, being me, they were sort of chunky and sensible heels--not over 2". One of my co-workers observed, "So, it's true that librarians wear sensible shoes."

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