Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisconsin Democrats hide out in Illinois

We've just returned from northern Illinois where the Wisconsin Democrats are hiding out. Actually, if they'd just travel a little south of the state line and visit Mt. Morris, where we were staying, they could get a good look at how a striking union can bring down a viable, vibrant town that used to have industries and schools. Wisconsin seems to have a wise governor who wants the public unions to give back some to the state. But that might take some power and bucks from their bosses.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
What a strange set of circumstances. Quad Graphics, who is non-union, moved the largest employer (which had 7 unions) out of Mt. Morris, Illinois to Wisconsin because Wi. gave them tax subsidies as an incentive. Your so right Norma when you say the legislators from Wisconsin, that are holed up in Rockford, should travel 30 miles further south and see for themselves just what the unions can do to a state's or city's economy.

Norma said...

It's almost impossible to have a discussion with a Democrat, let alone get them to stay home and do their job when they have to justify their vote. They'll bus plenty of paid unionists into Wisconsin from Illinois, but that hardly seems like a fair trade or what WI voters have voted for.

Joy said...

As a former teacher, now stay at home mom--loving every minute of it, I am thinking WI might be a GREAT place to work when I decide to get back into teaching. WI, unintentionally might be on the receiving end of a flood of applications from "out of work" teachers from other states looking for a job. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out WI teachers have a good thing going,the idea of not paying into a pension plan yet receiving benefits from the pension plan upon retirement, it's a fairytale...only in the United States of America could Liberals convince themselves this is--right.

Wisconsin needs to go ahead and send every teacher home with a "pink slip" similar to what Providence recently was forced to do as a result of their deficits. Then start over!