Monday, April 11, 2011

A refugee from Chinese Communism comments on where our country is going

This morning a woman born in China (now a U.S. citizen) told me her church group had volunteered at a local food pantry. We discussed our common concern--that because churches accept government money for their "good works," they can't give the "good news." Then I asked her if she ever saw any Chinese in the receiving line at the food pantry. "No," she said, "they are very independent and responsible. Depend on family, friends." Then she added with a sad face, "It's getting so confusing. Capitalism is thriving in China (she visits family there), and in the United States Communism is growing."

I wonder how many Americans under the age of 60 were taught in school that Maoists killed 70 million of their own people? Or that the one-child policy (forced abortions and infanticide of girls) is disrupting their whole society (not enough marriageable women; no aunts and uncles in families). In the 20th century, far more people were killed by their own government--either communist, national socialist, or dictator controlled--than in all the wars of that bloody century. If you go to the public library today and pick up a history reference book of the 20th century published in 2009 or 2010, you'll find little mention of the devastation that all forms of socialism have caused.

It's another topic (I've blogged about it), but the Communist enforced use of the Mandarin language has helped in the spread of the Gospel in China; now if we could just find a way for our own government not to help in the U.S.

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