Friday, July 20, 2012

I spoke too soon

I was commending the main stream media for not jumping to the "right did it" meme like they did with the Arizona shootings. But now ABC is speculating about a Tea Party event where someone with the same name logged in, and also someone is blaming Rush Limbaugh. Really, it's impossible to ever give them them credit for straight thinking.


Anonymous said...

straight thinking-who? the shooter or Rush? Really?

Norma said...

Media (plural) and them (plural) go together. Perhaps you missed that. Just kidding, I know you didn't. I don't believe I mentioned how the shooter was thinking. I'll leave to the guys blaming the NRA or Palin. So then, you think it is OK for ABC to blame anyone on the right for these things although the Tea Party has never had any violent incidents. You may not agree with Rush, but he doesn't advocate violence like some commentators and politicians who were supportive of the goals of the occupiers.