Saturday, July 14, 2012

Putting all non-government social service agencies out of business--the HHS Mandate

$100/day, every day, per employee for each Catholic, Lutheran, 7th Day Adventist, etc. institution in taxes if they refuse to violate their religious beliefs. How long will we have religious schools, hospitals, food pantries, clinics, job programs, nursing homes, etc. under Obama's idea of "fairness." This, my Democrat friends, is "statism" where the state doesn't create or own the businesses, it just totally controls them through over regulation, taxes, and lies. It's the "total transformation" Obama told us about in 2008. In the Soviet Union (Communism), the government owned everything.  In Nazi (National Socialist) Germany the state ran everything.


L-Rev said...

We can't wait until your dumb generation dies. Hopefully your antiquated thinking and beliefs die, too.

Norma said...

Personal attacts on me don't address your problem. How do you plan to finance all those social agencies that will close. With increased taxes.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Hey L-Rev, wake up to the fact that our "dumb" generation is just one of the many that enabled our great country survive over 200 years so your generation had the opportunity to destroy it! You can try but you cannot overcome the will of the patriots.