We know what Obama has done to the wealthy; what he's done to the middle class. He's redistributed their income and passed the largest tax increase in our history. But what has he done for the poor, the minorities, the people who depend on coal mining, or the oil industry in the gulf; what has he done for women--really--other than tossing birth control like M&Ms at them? What has he done for small business, the engine of the economy, other than slapping them with more regulations and impossible to follow insurance laws?
Today’s Wall Street Journal Review and Outlook reported: "The food-stamp boom began with the George W. Bush Republicans, who expanded benefits in the appalling 2002 farm bill. But the supercharger was a 2008 bill out of the Pelosi Congress that goosed eligibility and rebranded the program as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, to reduce the stigma of being on the dole. Then there was the 2009 stimulus, which expanded the program again. Liberals argued then and still do that food stamps are one of the most effective ways the government can juice the economy. Really, they claim to believe this. . . "
Since the recession supposedly ended three years ago (before the stimulus package could even take effect) and Obama floated a massive stimulus and still the rolls grow, that obviously hasn't worked.
A woman earning $29,000 a year with Uncle Sam as her live in lover, can receive many government benefits to bring her usable income to that of someone earning $69,000. Where is her incentive to kick Sam to the curb under this president?
you really do hate him don't you for someone so religious how do you handle this hatred in your mind just wondering
I don't hate him. I love my country and you love your party. How is it hateful to point out how much a low income woman gets to stay poor?
Murray sez:
I dislike him enough for all of us!
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