Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama, Clinton, Panetta—listen up

Let's bring all military home and stop supplying arms to Muslim fundamentalists. This whole Arab Spring Obama joy ride is a crock, and just the flip side of "nation building," only there's no plan for democracy. Let them battle it out and we'll drill for oil at home. Our Commander in Chief, our Secretary of State and our Defense Secretary are complete ______ (fill in the blank), and not one more life should be lost to their bungling.

It's one thing for a President (Bush) to say, all peoples deserve to have democracy and we'll help. It was naive, but made a lot more sense than trying to pick the winners and losers in a civil war amongst Muslim tribes, Muslim sects and Muslim dictators. Obama has been a complete failure in picking winners, whether it is green energy companies or the Muslim Brotherhood, aka Peace and Justice Party.

If an Obama supporter reads the tragic account of the last hours of the Americans in Benghazi just reported today when all those who could've helped were told to "stand down," and doesn't change her mind, she's hopelessly lost. The Seals were CIA operatives there to track down our lost arms—lost in Obama’s attempt to take sides in civil wars and he armed the wrong guys.  They are the ones who left their compound and came to the aid of the ambassador, and lost their own lives.

I know a lot of Conservatives think the economy is the critical issue, but I can't get it out of my head that the Commander in Chief of The United States Armed Forces left his men behind. No, not only left them, but made a conscious decision not to save them. Just disgusting. And shame on Colin Powell for supporting him.


1 comment:

Doug said...

Kudos to Colin Powell for standing up and telling it like it is.

Whats here is a lot of petty pouting about an otherwise successful foreign policy. Somebody call the waaaambulance.