Thursday, November 01, 2012

More Planned Parenthood mischief—with children

Planned Parenthood has always been a disaster for teens—now they are going younger.  This should come as no surprise as we watch the trending in society's changing views of marriage--that it's only about rights and government benefits.  So if male/female is not the gold standard for marital sex as it has been since the beginning of recorded history, then why is TWO the standard, and then after polygamy is accepted as a right (with the help of reality TV), then tackle the age problem.  Why should only adults have "rights." So Planned Parenthood will soften the hard liners to go along with the mush brains. Read this article about PP promoting childhood sex and removal of parental input.

In a campaign disturbingly close to advocacy of child sex, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which advocates “sexual rights” for all, has created a “young people’s guide” in conjunction with its official declaration urging recognition of the “evolving capacities” for “sexual pleasure” in all children and young people….

Declaring that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,” the document adds, “Therefore, all young people should be able to exercise and fulfil (sic) their rights equally, including sexual rights. … Barriers must be removed so that everyone, especially marginalized and under-served groups, can enjoy all human rights.”

Skirting the universal concept of an age of consent…

Look for this battleground in your public library children’s section.  And if you object, be prepared to be called a book banner.

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