Friday, November 16, 2012

What shall we do? Guest blogger, Joan

We have  a president who was voted in by the part of the electorate largely incapable of critical thinking - beginning with single women under the age of 29, and the "receivers" of government largesse, etc.

The questions in my mind in addition to the aforementioned unfortunate reason for the accelerated demise of the "republican" form of government are:

  • Why is there not more outcry about the voting fraud? The lack of proper identification; some of the Ohio districts having not one single vote for Romney; a cargo plane crashing (reason please?) with 47000 pieces of mail, largely ballots from our servicemen in Afghanistan. The only one screaming is Allen West. More screaming, please.
  • And, it was my opinion from the start that the conservatives among us never explained why conservatism trumps liberalism. Fundamental Christians are largely Democrats. It's so touchy feely to help those less fortunate. Never mind that this approach keeps them remain less fortunate. Why haven't we gone to the heart of the matter? It's a philosophical difference. It is the difference between success and failure.
  • Our children are not taught the Constitution in school, history has been rewritten, how often do you hear the Pledge of Allegiance these days? Patriotism seems limited only to the military. Seems to me, we have a lot of work to do, and the answer, I don't believe, is in the "perfect candidate" unless that candidate does not have to fight ugly in primaries and go off the deep end early on, and unless that candidate takes the time to sell "conservatism". It's time to wake up a sleeping population.

Guess they will wake up in ashes.

And so I wonder what I can or should be doing. Feel like a voice in the wilderness.

Any ideas, Norma?

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