Monday, April 08, 2013

Maybe giving women the vote was a mistake

The USSR and Maoist China tried this, Melissa. "MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry narrating a new MSNBC “Lean Forward” spot, laments that we in America “haven’t had a very collective notion that these are our children.” She said, “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities.” Fits right in with the compulsory pre-k program Obama wants.

She's also the one who called an unborn baby "a thing" when explaining the cost of raising a child. "When you’re talking about what it actually costs to have this thing turn into a human, why not allow women to make the best choices that we can with as many resources and options instead of trying to come in and regulate this process?”

But apparently regulating is fine after they are born, just not before.


Anonymous said...

maybe giving only land owners the vote was a mistake or bringing a whole race of people here to do the work for the lazy rich ones hummmm we have nade a few whoppers to be sure

Norma said...

Melissa only represents progressives, fortunately. While reviewing misdeeds of the 17-18 c. take a look at 21st century slavery, which is larger today than the 18th c. Atlantic slave trade. The issue is Melissa made a really stupid remark advocating for government control over parental rights--and she made it even worse today by remarking on other problems the government has had with other people's freedom, such as taking children from the Indians. Which actually sort of is making the point against her Marxist ideology.