Thursday, April 25, 2013

The opening of the Bush Center in Texas

Bush Center - Hero Image

George W. Bush's popularity is up. That happens with most presidents, but usually not in 5 years. History judges them.

Obama has helped that by not bringing the troops home, not closing GITMO, redefining terrorism as workplace violence, or just ignoring it, by taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden, when it was the "interrogation" techniques of the Bush era that provided the intelligence, by flubbing and lying about Benghazi, by dancing on the graves of the poor dead children of Sandy Hook for his personal political gain, by rushing to mega storm Sandy, which made no difference in the recovery and the victims suffered for months, by worsening race relations by constantly playing the race card, by raising taxes on everyone with his lies about healthcare, by crony capitalism worse than Bush-Cheney fans could have imagined which has enriched the "fat cats" he loves to criticize, and by exhibiting extremely poor taste in his family's hedonistic life style while so many people still suffer from the recession.

Yes, Bush will probably be glad to see him and shake the hand of the man who made America miss him.


Anonymous said...

see the joke about really having books in there

Norma said...

I hope you know what a voracious reader Pres. Bush was. Our current president lists the rap music on his i-pod, and long ago gave up reading history or biography, because it wasn't about him. Bush and Cheney used to have contests, and Bush usually won. After the press discovered what a good mind he had and what an avid reader he was of history and biography, they quit writing about it.

Anonymous said...

"a good mind' you are ,of course,joking
"He has,indeed done it very well;I suppose he has been so much elated with the success of his comedy,that he has thought everything that concerned him must be of importance to the public"-Samuel Johnson

Norma said...

You don't need to agree; but I do appreciate a reader. You don't. You prefer the filter of the liberal press. And it was Rove (my mistake), not Cheney, with whom he had a challenge. Here's a list, or partial list, and even the person who wrote it doesn't believe it, but that's how successful the media were at presenting him to you, their gullible public, as a bumpkin.

Anonymous said...

"....he has thought everything that concerned him must be of importance to the public." Oh c'mon, Anonymous, this Samuel Johnson quote fits Obama to a T, not Bush. Bush is a gentleman, in the best sense of the word, & not full of himself the way Obama is.
