Monday, August 31, 2020

Believe them when they say they are Marxists

You may have heard a social justice sermon on Sunday, or at least a mention of walk outs by wealthy athletes and systemic racism. Be reminded that BLM is not about being black; or a pay gap, or lack of opportunity, or the population of prisons. It's a Marxist organization. Believe them when they say it. It's on their website.

The intention of these riots is not to help or even create change. The intention is the same as all Marxist-based organizations. To destroy everything because it doesn't deserve to exist. Your state or mine, Portland or Kenosha, shouldn't be a state according to BLM because it was stolen, not from the French or Spanish, but from some indigenous people (who stole it from others). It shouldn't be a state because the United States shouldn't exist and needs to be destroyed. So why, in BLM thinking, would you rebuild or protect something that shouldn't be there?

Don't try to understand BLM using YOUR values. Look at them with THEIR values. Believe them when they tell you who they are. They are more honest about their motives than our major parties are about theirs. Then it will make more sense.

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