Sunday, January 08, 2023

Epiphany of the Lord

Happy Epiphany of the Lord. Epiphany is one of the big three in Christian celebrations, but not all Christians have the same day and some fundamentalists think it's not in the Bible (it is), and don't have a special day. We also sing about it in the familiar song, "The 12 days of Christmas." Technically, the 12th day was January 5, and the actual celebration is January 6. But some feast days are "moveable" and you'll need to check your calendar all year for Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and Advent. This holy day celebrates the appearance of the Wise Men from the East described in Matt. 2 bearing gifts (also a prophecy in Isaiah 60). Some Eastern traditions also commemorate Jesus' Baptism and his first miracle at Cana on this day. No one really knows how many kings there were, the three Magi comes from the 3 gifts. There could have been 25 or 50 or 100. That's not the point--they came to worship a king. Here's what I found at Christian Post, Jan. 6, 2023.
"Epiphany, otherwise known as Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day, is, along with Christmas and Easter, one of the three principal and oldest festival days in the Church. Traditionally marked on Jan. 6, Epiphany — which comes from epiphaneia, Greek for “manifestation" — is typically celebrated by Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans and some Eastern Orthodox churches.

While some traditions link Epiphany with the “wise men” from the East who sojourned to Bethlehem for Jesus’ birth, some Orthodox traditions say it’s more aligned with the baptism of Christ,"

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