2561 Ann Coulter is harsh

Time e-mail interview with Coulter at Sweetness and Light.
"Name calling? The use of language is "name calling." Harpies and witches is what I think they are, which is why I used those words. And I must say, I certainly have spotlighted the issue with my alleged "name-calling." The entire country is now riveted on the left’s device of using victims to advance their half-baked, unsaleable ideas. From now on, every time the left showcases another sobbing, hysterical woman as their spokesperson, people will say — "gosh she looks like she’s having a good time." So I’d say my "name calling" has been a smashing success. And by the way, I’ve got a few more names in my bag." Ann Coulter in Time interview
Comment from AmericanIPA: "Coulter is tough with her language at times, but grow up lefties. Some of the people she mows down have been long getting a free ride from the press, these widows included. They and anyone else who lost someone on 9/11 have the right to know why their loved ones were killed. And here it is, whether they want to hear it or not: Militant islamists hate America, you included, and want you and your way of life wiped from the face of the earth. They don’t just hate George Bush (they burned Clinton in effigy ad nauseum). They don’t just hate FOX News or National Review like you spoiled, dreamworld, greenpeace libs. They hate western culture as a whole and any religion other than their own. They want the Jersey Girls, Michael Moore, and Al Franken dead just as bad as they do George Bush."
Ann Coulter
Did you hear that two New Jersey Democrats want to BAN her book: (see the link)
And some Democrats have the gall to suggest that others are "banning" books when 1 book is questioned at 1 library.
They could have suggested that it be labeled "PG" as a warning for liberals not to read it, the way that movie is being rated because it has Christian content.
Sigh. As much as I detest Ann Coulter, and the idiotic words that flow both from her mouth and pen, I will support to the bitter end her right to make these statements.
I don't have to read them, believe them, or praise her for them. But dammit, she's got every right to say them.
I hope she supports my right to say that I think she's a low human being to suggest that the widows would rather have their money and "fame" than their husbands.
It's a two way street. I realize that. I will not read Coulter's book... but I'm not telling anyone else they can't.
Good for you, Shoe. I felt the same way about DaVinci Code. It was trash, but it had every right to be on the market.
WOW! That opening paragraph was great writing. You should see if you can get that in letters to Time Mag or some such.
Your list of all the things Ann Coulter is "not" is brilliant. As a librarian I apppreciate how she uses the Nexis database.
Great post!! I love Ann Coulter and I'm on Chp.2 of her book. I agree that your list of what she is not was good.
Larry King annoyed the heck out of me tonight by doing an entire show on Ann's supposed controversial statements. Some Dems are right about one thing, alls they are doing by being outraged is helping her sell more copies of her book :-))).
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