2631 Why I don't support a flag amendment
This can be handled with local codes or state laws. What I'd like to see is a movement toward decency and common sense on the part of business so people weren't buying towels for the beach that look like flags, or table napkins, or bikinis or jeans. That's the part I find objectionable and which seems to also be protected "speech." We've got hate speech codes and burning codes. Let's use those and get the government back to protecting us from real weirdos.
You could burn a thousand flags and not do as much damage as Keller at the New York Times has done. Congress was informed of this security measure and he didn't like it, so although no one elected him, he decided to give secrets to the enemies of the United States, secrets that will help stop the flow of money to terrorists. If bloggers are organizing to pressure advertisers who use that rag, where do I sign up?
Rich Lowry "Government by and for the New York Times
Milblogger "Keller contributes to death of soldiers"
Bill Keller "I leave it to the court of public opinion"
Peter King "charges treason"
Bill Keller
flag amendment
New York Times
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