Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things about your blog: 7 that keep me coming back, 3 that make me pause, and 3 that say good-bye.
Hello, I'm glad you're here says a
1) A beautiful template
2) with easy to read color combinations
3) with few or no wiggles and jiggles
4) and few or no ads
5) and no appeals for money, even for a good cause
6) more text than links
7) with interesting, well-thought out ideas.
Got some extra time on your hands says
8) confusing registration procedures, and hidden comment links
9) three squished columns that overlap
10) teeny, tiny little clicks, blips and flips to turn a page.
So long sister, this blog's not for you says
11) a steady stream of profanity
12) discussion of your sex life--even with your spouse
13) music blaring with the volume button hidden, which starts all over when I try to leave a comment.
<1. Margie Mix 2. Margie Mix 3. Kelly 4. Christine 5. Denise 6. Francesca Gray 7. Red 8. Bj 9. Jennifer, Snapshot 10. mommy@home 11. carmen 12. Katrina 13. Louise 14. Darla
15. Chris 16. Tricia 17. Lazy Daisy 18. mar 19. EmilyRoseJewel 20. d.challener 21. Stacy 22. Great Day 23. Trina 24. The Shrone 25. Mrs. Cranky Pants 26. tnchick 27. Reverberate58 28. astrocoz
29. Kailani 30. Ficklechick 31. momcarver 32. Jo 33. Chelle 34. Susan 35. Mysterious Lady 36. Christine 37. PixiePincessMom38. Cindy Swanson 39. Jimmy K.40.
You're next
(If you participate, leave your link in the auto-link and it will post here, but please leave a comment.)
Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
#13 scares me to pieces sometimes. Especially if the blog is cluttered and I'm frantically searching for "pause or volumne" wondering, where's it at?! Where's it at?!! Great and fun list. -Margie
I get so frustrated sometimes looking for the Post a Comment link. The music doesn't bother me, I can just turn my volume down. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me on Monday or Tuesday, I really enjoy doing Monday Memories.
Have a great Thursday!
#13 gets under my skin at times.
Hmmm....I wonder which category I fall under.
I have got into a habit of turning my speakers off when I'm surfing because of #13
Not being able to find the comment button is irrating and frustrating as is once you do, finding you can't leave a comment unless you belong to the same 'blog club' as the blog you are reading!
(And no, I do not want to know which category I fall under, lol)
Amen-I hate it when you can't read the blog because of the background and/or font size or color. And music-I surf with no volume so I don't have to hear it (and the bosses don't know!)
I am not guilty of any 11–13, although there is a little bit of male flesh in my T13 this week… But nothing too distateful, I hope!
You guys in the States must have access to a much more varied selection of templates (either that, or you’re all proficient with HTML!) than we do in the UK. Mostly your templates are really beautiful, colourful and… well, just diverse.
I love this one, because I always wonder how people get to the point of keeping a blog or leaving one. I do agree with your last 3. Mine is up today. First timer!
That music thing drives me crazy, too.
Great list! And I'm completely with you on the last three!
Good list.
Especially agree with the music thing. Gives the game away when I'm blogging at work.
I do have an ad on my blog - but only because I don't know how to remove it.
I keep my volume off on computer also b/c of #13 sometimes, I'm with you on the the 2 before that!
I have another this blog is not for me category - any blog with the word b*tch in it. Or any blog that boasts about being that. C'mon, who needs more attitude in life? Chill out and be happy.
Course, this week's TT is about things that bug me, so take this with a grain of salt. lol
Add in ones that take forever to load. And I'm so with you on the hidden comments button. If I have to look too hard for it, I'll just leave.
#13 I hate visiting a site with music - it's usually too loud, not what I want to hear and very distracting ... especially if I'm surfing late at night, gee I don't want to wake up the whole house! I also don't like the sites that don't allow you to leave a comment easily- without having to register for blogger, typepad or some other less commonly used system ... I must have empty blogs started all over the place from signing up to various services just so I can leave a comment on someones site. It's not worth all that trouble.
I have opted for sound off in my pc so as not to get scared from loud music I didn't want to hear in the first place! and I'd rather have simple sites with easy comments button to find. Let's make our lives easier! happy TT!
I agree! I think my blog would meet your approval. I try to keep it clean, simple, and easy to navigate. I also don't visit people who have pop ups. Those are just annoying and frustrating. My list is up!
Hmmm..I hope I meet all of those, because I agree with them.
My 13 is up.
Really good list, and I agree. #11 and #12 really turn me off as well. I hope mine is streamlined and easy to read, that's a big thing with me :)
Have a wonderful day, I played too!
Above all I enjoy coming to your blog. I love your back ground choice, your colors are soothing, and you always have something worth reading posted.
And yes, NO MUSIC.
My TT is up! And check out the flood pictures Trina Posted.
Number 11 is my pet peeve. A bad word now and then is one thing, but every other sentence is quite another.
I'm honored you use a banner =)
I don't like auto music that reloads, either.
I hear ya on the music, drives me nuts!
Although, there may be some times that you would definitely not want to stop by my blog...I'm thinking next week (the week before my wedding)...I may have a lot of profanity...hopefully, I won't, but you just never know how these things will go...
Have a great 4th of July!
Anyhow, my TT is up!
Doesn't the music drive you crazy? I've started muting my speakers before I read blogs so I don't feel the need to stick needles in my ears!
I have to agree with you on all of those things! Except I don't like a blog that's too wordy, I don't have time to read all of it. I like a nice balance between words and pics.
I think this is a GREAT list....thanks for putting it together...because I think it speaks for so many of us. I love your new look, by the way.
My TT is up here. Drop by for a visit sometime!!
Had a rough week blogging have we?
Happy TT!
I agree about the comments. I hate it when I have a great comment to post and I can't find the darn link to post a comment. I also get frustrated when I want to leave a comment on a Blogger blog, but the blogger only accepts comments from Blogger accounts. But then I'm guilty of some of my own blogging pet peeves on my own sight. I just can't seem to find the time to create my own template yet. Great list!
I have template envy! I hate to admit to that outloud but I do. After starting the MM, WW & TT; I've seen so many beautiful blogs & I'm envious. I want to do something with mine; but what??
After reading a few blogs about what annoys them; I've started making some changes. I've never figured out how to get music to play so I know I'm not guilty of that. But I'd LOVE to post something where people could hear my sisters band should they choose to listen to it. I usually have my speakers turned off. I sure hope I fall somewhere in the 1-7 range & not the latter. I'd like to know if my blog bothers people so I know what to change.
Have an awesome day! :-)
Part of the problem of annoying blogs, templates, and hidden buttons, is the differences in computers and IE and Firefox. Right now I'm using a laptop and I'd really have to search to turn off the sound. Also my screen width is different on my two machines and my floral arrangement is different on this one than the one I used to set it up.
But here at this TT, it has been almost unanimous that 1) we are all listening to our own music (it's radio talk for me) choices, and didn't tune in to hear someone else's, and 2) we hate searching for comments links.
Excellent TT, Norma! I agree with you 100 per cent. I can't stand it, too, when people have white print on a black background. Maybe it's my middle-aged eyes, but I find that so hard to read.
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