Monday Memories
Have I ever told you about Aunt Dorothy's Taco Salad?We're heading into summer so this is a good time to tell you about "Aunt Dorothy's Taco Salad." As a new bride, Aunt Dorothy moved to California near the end of WWII, and never returned to Illinois except for visits. One of my earliest memories is her wedding which was held in our home, and I was allowed to attend. I was probably about 4 years old and was just stunned with the excitement and thrill--I thought she looked like a movie star with red lipstick and nails (although I'd never seen a movie, we had movie star paper dolls.) Later that month my Dad, left for the Marines and our quiet life changed overnight because we soon left for California too, leaving behind our house, friends, relatives, neighbors and pets--my whole universe. She and Uncle Charlie made a home in Long Beach and raised their two boys there. But I saw her from time to time over the years, most recently in 2003, and always enjoyed her lovely personality and cheerful Christian spirit.

1 lb. hamburger
1 medium head lettuce, shredded (chopped)
1 large tomato chopped
1/4 cup minced onion
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup KRAFT Catalina dressing (this makes it!)
1 1/2 cup mashed taco flavored taco chips
Kidney or garbanzo beans may be added
Saute hamburger as you would for tacos. Drain, set in refrigerator to cool. Mix together shredded lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cooled meat and dressing and mashed chips. Add chips just before serving.
I don't follow these instructions. I arrange all the ingredients in serving bowls and let the guests create their own salad. I don't like the taco flavored chips, so I use the regular yellow or white corn chips, and let the diner decide what to do with them--either put them on the bottom or the top or use as a scoop. I serve the meat hot cooked with the dressing and I use heated Brooks Hot Chili Beans. I put out a cup of sour cream to spred over the top. Shredded cheddar also comes with a taco flavoring. In fact, I've made so many changes, at our house, it is Dorothy and Norma's Taco Salad.
My husband liked this salad so much he used it for some of his week-ends at the Lake with his friends--making about 3 or 4 times the basic recipe. The guys would eat this the entire week-end. That may be why we haven't used it for several years.
Because we hadn't had it for awhile, I made it for our Memorial Day week-end at the Lake with Bill and Joyce two weeks ago. It was good, but not fabulous. Oh well, I thought, I'm probably just disremembering how good it was in the 90s. The following Monday on the drive home, I remembered that I'd left the lunch meat and cheese in the refrigerator at the lakehouse. And then it came to me. I also had neglected to put out the shredded cheese for the taco salad. No wonder it didn't taste, feel or look right.
If you've enjoyed this Monday Memory, leave a comment and I'll link back to you.
1. Wandi has no MM, but good stuff, 2. Ma Tutu Bent 3. Uisce 4. Lazy Daisy, 5. Mysterious Lady, 6. Shrone, 7. If Life were perfect, 8. Yellow Roses Garden, 9. Lifecruiser, 10. Chi, has no MM, but a cute quiz, 11. Purple Kangaroo, 12. Chelle, 13.
taco salad
Hi Norma. Your aunt is beautiful. The recipe looks delicious. I want to try it. I think I would try your version. Let people decide for then selves what they would like to add. YUM.
Your Aunt is a beautiful woman! Mahalo for sharing the recipe. My daughter will love it.
My MM are up.
Sounds delicious! I've only ever heard of the Catalina dressing and don't know what flavor it adds, but I find the cheese always makes any dish. Yup, it's in there! :)
Hi have made a lot of changes in the receipe. Sounds delicious. My aunt used to make the very best potatoe salad. When my mom asked for the receipe she always said there wasn't one. One day while she was visiting our house my mom asked her to make potatoe salad. We found out her potatoes, Helmans Mayo...etc. My MM is up.
mmmmmmm...recipe sounds so good! I'm gonna have to try it.
I have fond memories of my aunt too.
(MM up now btw,I was sick all night so I was late getting it up)
That recipe sounds yummy!! And it's lunchtime so I'm starving!!
I'll have to try it sometime, my family would love it!
My MM is up! Happy Monday!
I like the stylish photo.
Vrooooar - you just woke up the hungry monster so now I'm off to do a kitchen raid....
That sounds fabulous. We actually had taco soup for dinner tonight; what a funny coincidence.
We mix a big can of tomato juice, a pound of hamburger, a can of kidney beans, some corn and a packet of taco seasoning and serve it with chips, sour cream, onions, cheese, etc.
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