Thursday Thirteen
13 things that puzzle me. It's not that I don't KNOW the answers, but I just don't get it. My WHY list is much longer than 13, but I can always do a second edition.1. Why people ride motorcycles--especially without helmets.

2. Why young women smoke--especially when they see the effects on the saggy, crepy, spotted skin and gravely voices of older women who have smoked over half their lives.
3. Why young people (up to 35) are always in such a hurry when they drive--they have a lot more time left on the clock than the rest of us.
4. Why people throw things out of car windows--pop bottles, dirty diapers, cigarettes, fast food containers.
5. Why women think it is so cool, sexy and attractive to swear, cuss and be loud potty mouths in public or on the internet.
6. Why women think moving in with the boyfriend (or moving him in) will be a sound foundation for marriage.
7. Why college students will go into massive debt for social science degrees, but then want CEO and scientist salaries when they look for jobs.
8. Why city zoning boards, urban planners and developers continue to approve neighborhoods with culs-de-sac (French for bottom of the bag) when they just create more traffic problems on the feeder roads.
9. Why rich people continue to build homes on coasts in hurricane paths and on fault lines.
10. Why the customer who calls is always more important than the customer standing there (me) waiting to check-out.
11. Why the relative/friend/employee who is always late thinks we still believe the excuses.
12. Why people adopt infants and/or give birth after years of trying and immediately both parents go back to work and let someone else raise it.
13. Why pet owners refer to themselves as "mommy" and "daddy" when baby-talking to an animal but won't take the "parental" responsibility to train it.
(If you participate, leave your link in the auto-link and it will post here, but please leave a comment.)
1. Lifecruiser 2. Lesly 3. Caryn 4. Christina 5. nat 6. mama kelly 7. Red Queen 8. Jo 9. Libragirl 10. nancy 11. Fida 12. EmilyRoseJewel 13. catherine 14. Margie Mix 15. Janet
16. Douglas V. Gibbs 17. Skittles 18. Lazy Daisy 19. Tess 20. Tey 21. Ma 22. Tricia 23. K T Cat 24. Wenchy 25. carmen 26. Write From Karen 27. Pink Chihuahua Princess 28. Wystful1 29. Stacy 30. Diane 31. Heather 32. Aginoth 33. Jacquelyn 34. Mary 35. KellyNello 36. mar 37. Christine 38. Jen 39. Susasn 40. dawn 41. Mary Horn 42. Peaches 43. Rosei
Yes, there sure is a lot of very good question marks in your excellent list here!!! I just have to nodd at most of it.
now Norma .... just don't get me started!! (and thanks for dropping by)
I agree with lots of these! A friend of mine, a nurse, always referred to motorcycles as "donormobiles", since they're so dangerous and often end up causing the riders to become premature organ donors. We've since begun to call them "donorcycles", which I think has an even better ring.
Hi Norma, I think I was nodding my head in agreement to all 13 of these. So many puzzling things in this world...
"Why young women smoke--especially when they see the effects on the saggy, crepy, spotted skin and gravely voices of older women who have smoked over half their lives.
" Precisely why I'm so glad I quit when I was still in my twenties!
About number 10...I work for a large book retailer. We were taught that the customer in front of you has priority over the customer on the phone, and I stick to that. Now, if I'm already on the phone and a customer approaches, I put the phone on hold, page for help, then return to the phone. Courtesy counts!
motorcyclists without helmets scare me less than the ones who go out riding in a tank top and shorts --- just imagining the road burn and resulting need for skin grafts gives me the major whillies
Great list- I am a huge Steeler fan and this has the Pittsburgh area saying thier prayers.
Great list. I don't understand any of those either.
Riding a motorcycle w.out a helmet is just stupid!
I'm playing this week.
Oh my... really something to think about
I'm guilty for No. 2, and 4 and I totally agree with you on the rest esp no. 11!
I really agree with you on point today!
1. Why, especially when you are the most imporant player on the Super Bowl winning team
2. And Cancer!
3. Society needs to slow down
4. So rude
5. I don't go to blogs that have cursing.
6. So true! The divorce rates are staggering for couples who have cohabitated prior to marriage.
7. Get a degree that is worth something
8. I actually live on a culsdesac, and I like it very much, but I agree
9. I wouldn't
10. Yep
11. LOL
12. That is so sad, I am a SAHM because I want to raise my child.
13. I know people like that I have to say
Great one! Mine is up!
Number 10 did it for me. No matter if I do call, I'm placed on hold and if I'm there in person... I'm placed on hold. Ugh! Great list! -Margie
I'm totally with you on 10 and 11. Maybe I should just call the store on my cell phone while I'm standing in line! However, I must say, I can't imagine marrying someone withOUT living with him first, and will encourage my own kids to do that, too. Preferably for at least 3 years before getting married.
2: I like to tell those girls about my mother, who basically ended up incontinent, unable to breathe without oxygen and with a weak heart, all due to smoking.
6: maybe they aren't thinking about marriage...
10: I've always wondered that myself!
12: You said it!!!
13: I'm my dog's mommy and he's as trained as a shiba inu can be!
I agree all the way down the line. Words of wisdom. Oh, and if you don't mind my askin', how did you get the images on the borders like that?
Thanks, love your blog.
I don't have a clue on any of those. Maybe most ppl in a hurry think they will sleep when they are dead. ;)
My TT is up.
So many Why's so few answers...can hardly wait for the second edition. You go girl! My TT is up.
would that be a Thursday Thirteen Take Two next week? #12 really makes me wonder too. Children are not toys to be brought out for playtime.
Yes those are good things to be quzical about... Especially the one about women cussing and talking dirty every second word. This girl on the bus the other day was on her mobile doing that. I was getting really frustrated and it got ony my nerves. Can't they see how stupid they look and that the whole bus doesn't want to hear about 'who slept with who on friday night'. I just don't understand. It really does not make them look 'cool', just silly.
That's a great list of thirteen that I wonder about too. I'll be looking for your next list.
Mine are up.
Great list, you've made some very good points that as I see from the comments many people agree with. Good work. :)
Smoking is a MAJOR turn off!
I feel the same way about smoking!
We're always in a hurry to get somewhere because from Gen X down, we've been trained for instant gratification. We have no patience. It's not good, but true. :)
I am totally with you on all of these, especially 12 and 13. In fact, I do more than wonder, they just downright irritate me.
Mommy and daddys of pets? I'm sorry, I think that's just a little odd.
Happy TT!
Wow, this TT addresses a lot of issues. I'm not really sure what to say about it actually. So, I'll just say this...I think riding anything without a helmet (bicycle, scooters etc.) is silly and asking for trouble.
Happy Thursday!
I've oftentimes wondered what the rush is on highways and city streets...all the zipping in and out of lanes---only to catch up with them at the traffic lights and laughing 'cause they had to stop and wait...while I on the other hand hit the lights green all the way because of a set speed.
My Thurs 13 is posted
Great list! I played for the first time today, but mine is just basically a "things I need to be doing instead of blogging" list - not nearly as thought-provoking! :)
I agree with you completely on the motorcycles and the littering - two big pet peeves of mine.
Have a great day!
Really makes you wonder, doesn't it.
On #6, I just read some statistics a few days ago that said that those who live together before marriage divorce at a rate of 80%. Compare this to an average 50% divorce rate for the general population (which is also scary). Obviously "living with him first to get to know him better" doesn't help things much.
As today is my 36th Birthday does that mean I am no longer young....SOB
My TT is up
This is a great list. I was just talking with someone yesterday about helmet laws as we were driving on I-80 and saw a biker doing a wheelstand, as he entered the highway, in front of a semi, with no helmet.
That is just asking for trouble.
And Heather's statistic would seem to argue against living together. I do wonder how many people never make it to the alter because once they lived together they decided against marriage. I think some women hold out because they are making their own money etc. and just don't want to marry (or have kids) in their twenties or even thirties. The feminist movement made it possible for women to focus on themselves and their careers without feeling guilty.
I say "live in sin" if it makes you happy :-)
Wow. Lots of food for thought here!
Great list.
Great list.
I like the one about young people driving fast. I don't get it either.
Also the one about people baby talking to their pets. I hate that.
Happy Thursday Norma!
Another great list!!
It's a strange world after all...
Happy TT :)
It drives me crazy when people throw things out their windows too. Keep a sack in your car for garbage or throw it out when you get home. Geez.
I agree with a lot of these!
I don't get people who go right back to work after adopting, etc. Why work so hard on getting a baby that someone else will be raising most of your waking hours?
My T13 is up!
I could jump on so many of these with a hearty AMEN!!!
My TT is up here.
Wow, great list. I often wonder about why teens today think that they can act like they do...and why their parents allow it. My mother would have murdered me if I spoke curse words or acted the way kids do.
So many on your list also mystify me
At 37 and still single #12 is a pet peeve of mine. I want more than anything to meet a nice man and raise our children (at home.) How can a mommy tear herself away from a helpless baby at 3 weeks old? I just don't get it!
I agree with all of them. Well I'm 37 and I drive in a hurry, but it's only because I'm running late and trying to think of an excuse the waiting will believe. :o)
My TT is up too.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. =)
Thanks for the comment!!
Very interesting list Norma. I'm glad that I never started on smoking cigarettes. It's just really a matter of choice. I don't believe in peer pressure much, because even peers can be chosen.
Great list, Norma! Thank you to visit mine :)
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