Thursday, November 01, 2007


Hilliam Clinton

Today's WSJ has an excellent editorial on the candidacy of Mrs. Clinton--the name, the dodge, but no pizzaz.
    "The political strategy is clear enough. Mrs. Clinton wants to roll to her party's nomination on a tide of "inevitability" while disguising her real agenda as much as possible. But Democratic voters ought to consider whether they want to put all their hopes for retaking the White House on Mrs. Clinton's ability to obfuscate like her husband without his preternatural talent for it. Aside from lacking her husband's political gifts, Hillary's challenge is that we've all seen this movie before. And performances like Tuesday's might be enough to convince voters to opt for a candidate who is his own man."
We know the Clinton years' incompetencies lead up to the Iraq War; let's try something--someone--fresh. Like Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney or Tom Tancredo.


Anonymous said...

You are aware that nearly all the righty pundits and leaders are claiming that Iraq is a smashing success, no? Is this some kind of back handed compliment?

Anonymous said...

We are winning in Iraq on all measures. Iran is next. The credit belong to GWB, not the adulterer Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Clinton caused the Iraq war. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

"If they want a president who doesn’t believe in God, there are probably plenty of choices. But if I’m selected as president of this country they’ll have one who believes in those words, that God did create. And in the words of Martin Luther, “Here I stand and I can do no other.”

Boy, I just can't wait to see Huckabee state those words at an AIPAC convention. Those folks dig Martin Luther.

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that George W. Bush was the only person brave enough to lead America into this essential, flawlessly executed and breathtakingly successful war.

I guess I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, the Repugs won't back Huck, he's not corrupt enough. He won't play ball with the military industrials, oil, and Big Pharma 100% of the time like the other corrupt war monger candidates.

The thing is the Republicans had their good christian candidates in Brownback and Huck and they rejected them immediately. So much for the party of God and values voters. Rudy the Liar is on top of the heap.

The party of corruption marches on!

As for Clinton, the only success that Shrub had was the initial invasion of Iraq which was done masterfully with the Military that Clinton left for Shrub. Thank you Bill!

One other question; Why is it that Cheney and Shrub were spying on Americans, through the telcos, BEFORE 9/11 and they couldn't stop 9/11 even with a memo that said "Osama determined to strike inside the US" ?

Just askin . . .

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true librarian.

Tell me, was your BA in art history, history, or english?

Truly, there is no inadequacy like the inadequacy of a person with a MLS.

The Clinton's also caused the Black Plague, btw.

Anonymous said...

How many times did George Bush mention the word "terrorism" or "Al Qaeda" or "Osama bin Laden" before 9/11? How many warnings of impending attack did he ignore before 9/11?

I know it's hard to believe, but the guy in charge on 9/11 was reading reading "My Pet Goat" while Americans were being killed. The same guy who spent 40% of his time vacationing and clearing brush on his fake ranch.

You might be a librarian, but you sure have a cartoonish perspective on recent American history.

Maggie Goff said...

This post was linked at "Sadly No". That's why you're getting all the nasties over here.

Anonymous said...

We know the Clinton years' incompetencies lead up to the Iraq War

Yeah, who could forget all those incompetencies of the Clinton years that allowed Saddam Hussein to build up that huge stash of WMD.

Anonymous said...

We know the Clinton years' incompetencies lead up to the Iraq War;

Wingnut Librarians are the bane of the profession. Thank God they're often prone to mental health breakdowns and flame out spectacularly.

They're easy to get rid of.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO omg I lost my cookies just after reading the first few lines of this whackjob's bio. What are you smoking Norma?

Anonymous said...

Eleven blogs? You really must have a lot of time, but pray which is the 11th, I only see 9 blogs on the roll, or are librarians unable to count too.

Norma said...

Thanks Maggie. Wondered where they'd come from. The usual stuff you see at the [ delete ] blogs, but they don't usually visit the old folks.

Anon 3:11: not all the blogs are linked here.

Anonymous said...

Almost makes me sorry to have a BA. But mine is in science not paper shuffling. It seems as though your degree took IQ points away from you.

Anonymous said...

Not that grammatically rewriting your post would mitigate the idiocy of its content, but the past tense of "lead" is "led." Most third graders have mastered this one.

JAM said...

Wow, Norma, you really lit a fire with this one, eh?

I love how brave the commenters get when they can do so anonymously and/or don't leave a way to go to their sites.

Anything that upsets the liberals this much must have been pretty close to the mark.

Joan said...

Way to go, Norma! Interesting, isn't it, that "anonymous" has such a penchant for name-calling!

Anonymous said...

Joan: You are a cunt.


Norma said...

Thanks Joan. I saw this at another blog: "How you know you're an A-list pundit. When people go bats**t with ad hominem. No more traveling commercial, you fly your own private troll!"

Little anon really raised my stats this week!