Monday, November 19, 2007

Christian basher tries to intimidate

I'm being watched for racist comments because I'm a "self-proclaimed" Christian by
    Dr. R. Watnicke
    The University of British Columbia
    2329 West Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
    tel 604.822.2211
He left a comment on my Thanksgiving entry of four years ago when I noted the international diversity of the crew working at White Castle, the only place open on that holiday. He didn't like my humor I guess. I said the Supervisor was Canadian because his haughtiness (with the staff) reminded me of Peter Jennings (he was alive and well then). In Canada it is currently considered a hate crime to publicly criticize any identifiable group, or to say they are wrong for any reason. Especially from the pulpit. Witnessing to a non-Christian about Jesus I suppose could be hate speech in Canada, because you would be telling him you think he is a sinner, and therefore doing something wrong, and that would be an attack. This is what passes for tolerance in some countries.

I did offer at that post White Castle's turkey stuffing recipe, not realizing I'd pick up some turkeys along the way.
    10 White Castle hamburgers, no pickles
    1 ½ cups celery, diced
    1 ¼ tsp. ground thyme
    1 ½ tsp. ground sage
    ½ tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
    ¼ c. chicken broth

    In a large mixing bowl, tear the burgers into pieces and add diced celery and seasonings. Toss and add chicken broth. Toss well. Stuff cavity of turkey just before roasting. Makes about 9 cups (enough for a 10- to 12-pound turkey). Note: Allow 1 hamburger for each pound of turkey, which will be the equivalent of ¾ cup of stuffing per pound.
Vancouver is one of my favorite cities.


Anonymous said...

He left a comment four years ago and you write this melodramatic headline now? Has he contacted you in the meantime? Posted about you online or mentioned you in a printed publication? If not, you're hysterical...and looking for a little attention your blog doesn't seem to get.

Norma said...

She or he left a comment yesterday on a 4 year old blog entry. I have no idea why she's looking for Christians.

Anonymous said...

That is very odd. What struck me is that is it posted anonymously and with no URL or email address but a telephone number.

I checked the website and faculty directory. There is no such person at the University and the phone number is the switchboard at the university.

Oddly a google search of Watnickie yielded less than a full page of results, this blog included.

Perhaps it is some attempt at humor we don't understand. mildly entertaining though.

Norma said...

Thanks Matthew--I suspected harassment and not real research. Humor is good, too. Or an obscure poem? But that entry did mention several ethnic groups since fast food restaurants give many people with limited language skills the first rung on the ladder of success and citizenship. So, who knows? Maybe she didn't want to admit to wanting a stuffing recipe. Or possibly any one of the "anons" who like to post here.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a joke. You said something about a Canadian--you don't think of that as ethnic, but she did.