Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bill Maher's sexism and racism

He's good at finding subliminal racism in others, like an abbreviation for "negative," but stuck on stupid about sexual slavery and "don't teach them to read" advice from ACORN. Just google Bill Maher and ACORN. Oops. Nothing there. Oh, except to shoot the messenger.
    Glenn Beck’s army of zombie retirees are marching on Washington in protest of, well, everything. It’s the Million Moron March, although they won’t get a million of course, because many will be confused and drive to Washington state. But they will make news, because people who take to the streets always do. They’re at the town hall screaming at the congressmen, we’re on the couch screaming at the TV.
So folks, he calls you morons for expecting your representatives to represent you, but sex slavery of children is just not worth commenting about. He says you, Democrats and Republicans and Independents, can't find Washington DC. I think the last count was around 2 million. On ACORN, he's tongue tied. Slavery only matters to a liberal if it happened in the 18th century.

1 comment:

rakeback said...

I know many disagree with what Bill Maher has to say on many issues including Religion and Politics, but I like that he is open with his opinions and not worried about how he will be viewed by the public. I wish more politicians concerned themselves with doing the right thing for their city, state, or country, and worried less about public opinion or some foolish power struggle.