Thursday, September 10, 2009

Check out these verbs! What bias?

Here's the USA Today's account of the 9/12 March on Washington:
    Tea Party Patriots are storming the Potomac.The conservative activists who staged taxpayer tea parties last spring and packed town-hall-style meetings to rail against “Obama care” this summer plan to march here Saturday to protest what they call out-of-control government spending.

    Encouraged by conservative commentators such as Fox’s Glenn Beck [obviously we old doddering fools couldn't find our way on our own] and organized virtually on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites, the march will constitute “the largest gathering of fiscal conservatives ever,” says Adam Brandon of FreedomWorks. The advocacy group led by former House majority leader Dick Armey is planning the event, although other organizers say theirs is an unprompted movement.
And here's my guest blogger, pensioner Murray, from Illinois
    "Tomorrow [Thursday] I leave for Washington DC. Why am I going? Well, I figure since my senators refuse to communicate with me about how they want to further infringe upon our freedoms, (or anything else) I will go to them and join thousands of other grass-roots people in hopes that we will make a difference. We have no other avenue! In case you don't know who the grass-roots people are, they are the crazy, misinformed old people who consist of Nazis, idiots, racists and people like you and me. The March On Washington promises to be the largest civil protest against the Federal Government ever. Yet, so far the media (with the exception of Fox News) has given the event zero exposure along with our legislators. But our legislators know we're out here cause most were afraid to face us as they cowered during their break and refused to meet with us. If you want to see any of this demonstration on 9/12 do not count on NBC, CBS, or ABC. You will have to tune to Fox News around 11:30 a.m. eastern time.

    This protest March is about healthcare and the reckless spending that has guaranteed the recession to last for years to come and financially cripple our grand children. Obama says that we grassroots people have attempted to derail HIS health plan with lies and myths but have no plan of our own. Well, that's a lie. There are plenty of suggestions out there like tort reform, eliminating illegals from free care, letting Medicare negotiate the price of drugs and allowing insurance companies to cross state lines. These suggestion cost NOTHING but they aren't even in Obama's plan nor does he want to hear them. The reason is simple....these remedies go against the special interests groups pure and simple! If our legislators would have read the plan before they attempted to explain it to their constituents, they could have dispelled any myths or lies. But they obviously didn't know what was in the plan. Obama says he's gonna pay for it by taxing the insurance companies and taking 500 billion from Medicare which in turn implies that it won't cost you and I anything. Who the hell does he think has to replace the Medicare dollars and where will the insurance companies get the tax money? You see, every time our government gives away our tax dollars, we then get taxed not only enough to maintain the current bloated budget but also put back the money we gave away. The illegals and non-contributors say "Gracious Mucho" and us grass-root taxpayers say "OUCH" Obama says the special interests are cringing at the thought of this plan going through. Gee, that's not a lie?? As far as I know there hasn't been a major piece of legislation that has passed in years that hasn't been favorable to special interests. The prescription Drug Plan is the easiest example. That dog was written by special interests and is still barking plus all our legislators know it. That's one of the main problems with any bill that they pass, no matter how good or bad, we have to live with it forever.

    Anyway, I'll be the good looking guy in the protest March carrying a sign that says "Put "WE THE PEOPLE" back in government". The reverse side will say " Where is ABC CBS NBC?" I put this on the back because I'm sure they won't be there covering the event but they will surely be there tonight when Obama tries to sell HIS plan.

    Has anyone asked the question "Why is everyone waiting to hear what Obama wants?" What about what you and I want? Aren't we "WE the People"?

18,000 demonstrate on Sept 5 near Cincinnati, Ohio



E said...

Hi Norma! So glad to have found your blog again. I see you're still at it! Did you watch the speech last night?

Norma said...

I don't think I've ever watched a presidential speech--all the way through. But from my office I did hear Obama take credit for rescuing the economy. Oh goodness! He should be the one apologizing. What's unemployment now in Ohio?