Sunday, September 06, 2009

Jones is just the tip of the iceberg

How many Czars? In Russian it means Caesar. Van Jones? One black conservative blogger called him the "Watermelon Man," green on the outside and red on the inside. Besides, all that green talk hurts minorities the most. As does marxism in general where ever it's been tried.

"Not since the administration of Franklin Roosevelt has an American president appointed a known communist to such a high position in the federal government. Not only is Green Jobs Czar Jones an avowed Marxist, he has joined together with such certifiable leftist loonies as Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and Howard Zinn in signing the 9/11 Truth Statement, and expressing his belief that the 9/11 attacks on New York’s World Trade Center was “an inside job,” involving a conspiracy within the administration of George W. Bush. He has acquiesced in the claim that the government response to Hurricane Katrina was a Bush conspiracy, as well, and that the levees may have been dynamited as part of some sinister plot." Thomas McAdam

"When Ronald Regan was president, he appointed 3 Czars, over 8 years. George W. Bush appointed 14 in 8 years. In his first one-half year, Obama has appointed 34 Czars. At this rate, we can anticipate 272 Czars in Obama’s fist term; and 544 Czars if he lasts two terms. Lots of grist for your Louisville City Hall Examiner’s mill. Mne nuzhna praktikovat’sa v Russkam." Also McAdam in the same article which lists all the czars' names. I think the transliteration says, I need to practice my Russian.

Update: I just read that Jones has resigned. I'm sure he'll hang around in the background, because after all, it's all just a smear campaign. Someone made up all those words and past events of his life! "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

Don't relax folks. There's more where he came from. These are the kind of people Obama has surrounded himself with his entire life--even as a child with his mother's friends. Pulling up one weed doesn't guarantee a harvest.


Marfis said...
In addition, the majority of victim’s family members doubt the official story and have been pushing for a new investigation for years – as attested to by Bill Doyle, head of the largest victim’s family support group.
An October 2006 New York Times/CBS poll found that a paltry 16% of Americans thought the government was telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks, meaning 84% doubted the accuracy of the official story.
A May 2006 Zogby poll found that over 70 million Americans supported a new investigation into 9/11 and less than half of the American public trusted the official 9/11 story or believed the attacks were adequately investigated. The figure supporting a new investigation rose to 51% of Americans in a September 2007 poll.
In addition, the same poll found that 67% also faulted the 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7.
As far back as August 2004, another Zogby poll established the fact that half of New Yorkers believe there was government complicity in 9/11.

You will say that every opinion other than those of the screaming conservatives to whom you ally yourself (you listen to, and believe Glenn Beck, after all! Wow.) is somehow tainted by that unsavory loony liberalism.

Before I leave, careful not to slam the door, some helpful hints for you:
Marx was a man's name, and the "ism" should be capitalized;
The former president's last name was Reagan, not Regan;
The spelling of oversight includes only one "e," and a "g" and an "h";
The word is not "hairbrained," but "hare-brained."

Norma said...

Please contact that columnist I quoted about his errors. He's paid to write and you and I aren't, so he'll be happy to get your corrections.

I rarely capitalize marxism when referring to puny American-sized marxists. But they are moving up to the big leagues with so many being exposed in the current administration. It's my own personal statement of what I think of them.

Anonymous said...

It's simply amazing that anyone can watch and listen to Glenn Beck and still refer to others as being "loonies". Now that's a classic case of being divorced from reality.

Norma said...

Please pay attention. I provide links. The columnist used the word loonies. He wasn't watching Glenn Beck. They are both here, but different. See how that works?

But people who refuse to see what's going on in the Obama administration because they don't like the source reporting on the number of czars, or because Reagan is misspelled or marxist isn't capitalized, could be knocking at the door of that group for membership.

Anonymous said...

OK, now I see how it works. You just provide the links and a disclaimer in case whatever you're pushing turns out to be a crock.

Behaving kind of like an internet version of the old neighborhood gossip.

Norma said...

I do correct spelling of personal e-mail comments before I post them, but I don't usually correct copyright material. I also provide links, even if I don't agree with everything said by the author--like the NYT. I don't even put in "sic" to show I know more than they do, but perhaps you do. Yes, that sort of sounds like you.