Signage was amazing. . .swastikas everywhere. . .well, not exactly. I saw one sign that had two swastikas on it but the message was "Never Again." I carried two signs: "Don't ruin the health-care that saved my life" with a pink breast cancer ribbon and "to PresBO: if you misrepresent, we will call you out." I guess the last one could be considered a threat, but wasn't considered that when the president said it. Hobie's signs were pretty extreme: "Stop the Spending" and "Cut the Bureaucracy." Most signs were home-made, as we can't afford those slick things used by the unions.
American ingenuity in slogans always amazes me. Some of my random favorites were:
-- a very artistic skull and crossbones draped in black: "He lied, Grandma died"
-- picture of MLK: "he had a dream".....picture of BHO: "we got a nightmare"
-- "czar strangled banner" - a "flag" with pictures of the 30+ czars on the field of blue
-- "even my dog has a birth certificate"
-- "ACORN: because every pimp needs a federally funded home" (if you don't understand this one, you've not done your homework)
-- "Democrats have ACORN; Republicans need to grow some NUTS"
-- "bankrupting America - one unread bill at a time"
-- "tell the czar the peasants are pissed"
-- "28 years ago I fled communism and now it is catching up with me"
-- "Obamacare = Rationed Care," held by a well-costumed grim reaper
-- a picture of a backbone, and the words "Republicans need to grow one"
-- "national health care is like a hospital gown - you think you are covered but you are not" - you can imagine the visual that went with that.
-- "Congressional pink slips - coming soon"
-- "Stop bailing - you're drowning my kids"
-- "Truly toxic assets - U.S. Senate and House...stop whining and start resigning"
-- "seniors should not become shovel-ready projects"
-- "we are here to give corrupt public servants end-of-job counseling"
-- "get your hands off my private sector"
-- "what about transparency?"
-- "under Barack, America will go Ba-roke"
-- "I love my country but not this government'
-- "Bankrupt America?....yes we can"
-- "pucker up, Nancy...kiss my astroturf" (again, if you don't understand...homework time)
-- "Save the Constitution"
-- "Will the real Barack Obama please stand up?"
-- "stop, think, read, vote"
-- "Bush Republicans bankrupted America - Obama socialists are destroying what is left"
and my personal favorite,
-- "Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant." - James Madison
BO: "But know this: I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than improve it. I will not stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are. If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we will call you out. And I will not accept the status quo as a solution. Not this time. Not now."
Lots to quote--he said it first.
I was the marcher who had the sign that read "ACORN: Because Every Pimp Needs a Federally Funded Home!"
Thank you for mentioning it! I've gotten a lot of laughs over it.
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