Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Tonight we were watching the evening news coverage of the H1N1 vaccine lines here in Columbus. It looked like a miserable day for parents of young children (who stood in line for hours, and probably didn't get to the polls). "Do you remember your small pox vaccination?" I asked. He didn't. I do. We lined up at school and got it from a nurse. Same for the polio vaccine in 1955. In a town of less than 3,000 that probably had 2 doctors and a few RNs. If they could do it in the 40s and 50s, with Truman and Eisenhower in charge, what in the world is wrong with this bunch of clowns who want to take over, not just shots for a disease that may be blown out of proportion by the media, but health care for the whole nation?
    "So here you have it, a dry run for the Obama Administration’s performance on nationalized health care. All vast governmental forces were focused on a single disease rather than the entire gamut of America’s health care problems. There was no greedy, profit–riddled private sector in this fight, only the saintly public option. The program had universal coverage and no pre–existing condition exclusions.

    The result? Missed deadlines, rationing, incompetence, blame–shifting, arbitrary decisions, random displays of authority and don’t forget: long lines.

    There’s a word for this preview of socialized medicine under Obamacare.

    Call it Flutrina."
Story by Michael Shannon at The Absurd Report


Sgt. Friday said...

Bzzt! Try again.

It's actually the fault of the tinfoil hat wearing crazies who believe that the vaccine is going to make everyone autistic.

Team Obama ordered an ample supply of the vaccine and they ordered it as soon as a viable one was developed BUT they caved in to the lunatic fringe and and required it to be adjuvant and thimerosol-free, EVEN THOUGH the rest of the world is using these methods to stretch their supply fourfold.

Here's a very educational link from Murdoch's uber-lib WSJ:


Per usual, Obama is lamely trying be bipartisan by listening to the wrongheaded ideas of the far right and hurting America in the process.

Thanks Glenn Beck and teabaggers!

Norma said...

Obama never listened to any crazies but his marxist buddies. Try again, you'll need a better excuse than that. I used to translate Russian medical publications back in the 60s. This is about par for Soviet Union health care.

But yes, WSJ is the most liberal of the MSM. Only the opinion page is conservative.

Sgt. Friday said...

Just the facts, ma'am.

What did Obama do wrong in regards to the flu shortage?

Norma said...

If Bush can be blamed for a hurricane with Democrats in charge at both the municipal and state level for warning and recovery, then Obama who appointed the HHS head, was either golfing, playing basket ball with the boys club cronies or flying off to other countries to kiss foreign butts, and focusing on a non-existant health crisis (take over of insurance) can certainly be blamed for Flutrina.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Obama throws himself in the middle of everything...EVERYTHING! We're always waiting for what Obama wants, does, says or his next move. When things obviously go wrong he and his cohorts play the blame card. Perhaps if they didn't try to do a zillion things at the same time they might experience some success at something. I'm still waiting for something positive for our country to take place but I don't see anything on the horizon nor anything that relies on simple common sense.

Anonymous said...

You're obviously not familiar with the process for developing different kinds of vaccines. So here's a simplified crash course. In the first place, comparing vaccines like Smallpox and Polio to flu vaccines is the old Apple to Oranges deal. New flu vaccines must be developed each year, while vaccines for illnesses like smallpox and polio don't. Once developed, you can produce and stockpile something like a smallpox vaccine and use it year after year. But, unfortunately, each flu season has a different strain of flu so it's impossible to produce one in advance and stockpile it for future use. This extremely short time line, available to scientist to develop and produce a flu vaccine, will obviously result in sporadic shortages. It's just the nature of the beast.

Expanding on your train of thought, if Obama is responsible for this years shortage. Then Bush and our existing corporate run health care system was responsible for the 2004 flu vaccine shortage.

Norma said...

You're right. The 2004 shortage was Bush's fault, especially using Obama's blame game, but there was a very brief period and quite spotty and lines weren't long. Also that flu wasn't played up to enormous proportions like the swine flu--and now people aren't being tested, everything that walks or talks like a flu virus, even if it's a cold, is called H1N1. We'll never know if we had it or not. 30,000 people a year die from regular flu, but since most are old, it's just acceptable. I'm guessing swine flu won't even be close, but the entire count will be that. "Never waste a crisis" is this administration's motto.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama should just spend a third of his term cutting brush.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Why not, after all he spent the first year of his term cutting Bush!