Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pelosi Broke her Pledge

to put the final health care bill online for 72 hours before the vote, so why should we believe anything else about protections, cost savings, keeping private insurance, rationing, and abortion that she used to twist arms and can she even be trusted by the blue dogs to pass out the pork she promised at our expense? She can't keep a simple promise, nor can the President. Obama broke his campaign promise for transparency and being honest with the American people. That was to be part of the "hope and change." What a team of liars those two are. She calls it a victory; Obama says it's the most glorious event of their careers. I don't have enough bad words in my vocabulary to even describe them.


Anonymous said...

Never waste a crisi--Emanuel. The American public were distracted by a mass murder on an army base. They paused for a minute of silence and then dug in to steal more freedom.

mdoneil said...

I am so disappointed. I am tired of being lied to.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Obama riddled his first year with distractions and diversionary tactics. Gitmo, Afghanistan, bailouts, clunker deals, stimulus, housing subsidies, Iraq, ACORN activities, war on everybody who disagrees with them, climate control, apologizing for our great country, traveling everywhere every day making campaign speeches, holding staged town hall meetings, etc.
The worst has been when he and his administration relies on lies and deception to sell their agenda while TOTALLY ignoring the grass-root masses.

Anonymous said...

I'm also tired of getting lied two. Add the present lies to the many from the Bush administration and it's more than a person can bear.

Norma said...

As liars go, I'd have to put Obama light years ahead of Bush.

Anonymous said...

For some unexplained reason, your feeling that way doesn't surprise me in the slightest.