Friday, November 06, 2009

What is environmental justice?

It’s “reparations” all dressed up in high heel sneakers and combat boots, ready to kick butt, and for starters it‘s just a million dollars for a tiny down payment to blacks for slavery--the real goal is global.
    “The goals of the [EPA] Environmental Justice Grant Funding Program are to help communities understand and address environmental challenges and create self-sustaining, community-based partnerships focused on improving human health and the environment. Past projects have focused on issues including exposure to toxins, farm worker pesticide protection, mercury in fish, indoor air quality, drinking water contamination, and pollution from shipping ports.

    In addition to the traditional criteria, EPA is encouraging applications that address the disproportionate impacts of climate change in communities by emphasizing climate equity, energy efficiency, renewable energy, local green economy, and green jobs capacity building.” Link to Obama‘s new and improved and much more radical EPA”
We’re from the government. We’re here to make you understand.

Gone, but not forgotten, Van Jones [moved over to John Podesta's building] explains the concept of environmental justice. “If all you have is a clean energy revolution, you haven’t done nothin . . . We want a new system. We‘re gonna change the whole thing. . . That‘s why you were born.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even during the Clinton years EPA knew that dumping was impacting minority communities using the RCRA but I'm guessing Bush is blamed.