Wednesday, April 20, 2005

982 Not Catholic

James Lileks says it best, although I've seen this thought on a number of Protestant blogs:

"I have no stake in the matter of who’s the Pope – or do I? Choose a cardinal who issues a homily titled “On the Need to Gas Grandpa When He Starts Crapping Himself” – I’m sure it would sound better in Latin – and this might have an impact on the society where I hope to find myself in 30 years. The selection of Ratzinger was initially heartening, simply because he made the right people apoplectic. I’m still astonished that some can see a conservative elevated to the papacy and think: a man of tradition? As Pope? How could this be? As if there this was some golden moment that would usher in the age of married priests who shuttle between blessing third-trimester abortions and giving last rites to someone who’s about to have the chemical pillow put over his face. At the risk of sounding sacreligious: it’s the Catholic Church, for Christ’s sake! You’re not going to get someone who wants to strip off all the Baroque ornamentation of St. Peter’s and replace them with IKEA wine racks, okay?" Read it here.

Homocon has a few choice words for liberal Catholics, like Andrew Sullivan, who claim to be political conservatives:

"Cruising by Andy's website of late has become akin to slowing down the car and craning for a better look at the bloody wreck by the side of the road -- it's messy, it's ugly and thank God it's not me.

From his petulant, foot-stomping dislike of the current President (and Karl Rove), his outright campaigning for John Kerry (who represents the worst sort of excesses of the Democratic Party), his Eeyore-ic mutterings regarding the necessary political and cultural revamp of the Middle East (starting with Iraq), and now his flailing, spittle-flecked tantrums over the Catholic Church's selection of a Pope who embodies the moral, social and political philosophies of, well, the Catholic Church, I think we can all safely assume that little Andy's "I'm a Gay Conservative . . . really!" charade is long past over."

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