Saturday, April 23, 2005

985 "Broader" clothing line for Latinas?

In keeping with my occasional highlighting of women bloggers of quality, today's feature is Latina Lista, who notes the unfortunate headline in the Chicago Sun Times business section that ""Sears partners with Latina magazine to sell new, broader fashion line." Her complaint is much the same as any other American woman--clothing is designed for tweens, teens and twenties, and the rest of us just look silly putting on that junk (and so do the kids much of the time).

Marisa TreviƱo is from Texas and tracks articles of interest to Latinas. I noticed her on the Media Bloggers list and right away picked up on her excellent and lively style. And no wonder! Can I spot them or what? When I read her bio I see she is a professional journalist and radio personality who has added blogging to her portfolio. She has also written plays.

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