Monday, May 19, 2008

What they're saying about me in Spanish

"Este blog ocupa la posición 2529 de los 51382 blogs indexados en Bloguzz. En English está en el puesto 1536 de un total de 23477 blogs. Está perdiendo capacidad de generar buzz en los últimos días.
Su nivel de influencia absoluta es del 47%, es un blog influyente en la blogosfera. Es uno de los mejores blogs en English." My Spanish is a bit rusty, but I think they're saying I be big, important blog, but recently I've been losing my influence. Ha. What influence? (I'm actually bigger in some other markets, like Truth Laid Bear). So why so few comments? Do I really have the last word? I also receive spam in Russian, and that too makes me feel important. Yeah.

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