From John Hawkins at RightWing News.
- Yet, horrible approval rating and terrible messaging aside, Bush was a much better, more competent, and skilled President than Obama. That's even the case if you set aside ideological issues.
Bush was more transparent, worked better with the other side, was a much more skilled diplomat, had a much better idea of what government could accomplish, and was several orders of magnitude more honest.
Bush was not a great President. On the domestic front, he wasn't even a good one. He also did great damage to the Republican Party by being so stubborn, obtuse, and by making so little effort to get his message out.
But, all that said: When you get beyond the hyperbole and polling data, it's Obama, not Bush, who suffers when the two men are compared.
long way to go before history is written here. I think we should all take a deep breath and remember we all want what is best for our country.Period. All this blocking this and that or pointing fingers and name calling gets us nowhere.we could turn into a very backward country if we are no more able to work together. Nothing is ever one way.I am sorry I will not be around to see history written you'll just have to let us know.
Right. And I've never detected a smidgen of finger pointing from the Democrats.
I miss George W. Bush . . a lot. Aside from the bailout at the end, I think he did a great job.
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