Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday Thirteen--the magazine clutter

Before I cleaned off the living room table I decided to count the magazines. Actually, there were more than 13, but two of the titles weren't really ours by subscription, residency or membership. In no particular order:
  1. Timeline--this is the publication of the Ohio Historical Society, and we are members of Conestoga, and by virtue of that membership, we get the magazine and a newsletter, plus on-line notices. The on-line site of Timeline has a photo of a Lustron. I haven't seen that issue. My grandparents had one of those built in 1949.

  2. American Artist--we could stock a small library with our back issues which we don't seem to be able to throw away.

  3. Thrivent Magazine--this used to be called Lutheran Brotherhood and we have an IRA through this organization which made up a new word when it merged with something else.

  4. Inland Seas--This was a Christmas present from our son and comes with a membership in the Great Lakes Hisotrical Society. Includes a newsletter. We have a home on Lake Erie.

  5. Watercolor Artist--the newest issue is in my husband's office.

  6. Columbus City Scene--local what to do.

  7. Capital Style--a recent Columbus magazine. So far I haven't subscribed but it keeps finding its way to my door. Published by the Columbus Dispatch.

  8. Lake Erie Living--really nice for anyone of the states or provinces bordering Lake Erie. I also have the premiere issue in my collection.

  9. JAMA--although this journal of the American Medical Association is often over my head, I enjoy the poetry, essays, CDC reports, and editorial discussions. I have a donor for this one. When I accumulate a stack of 10 or so, I give them to a Columbus vo-tech teacher who passes them along.

  10. Bird Watcher's Digest--another Christmas present. Published in Ohio--really interesting material even for a novice bird watcher like me.

  11. UA Magazine--PR and advertising stuff about the community in which we live, published by Columbus City Scene.

  12. Art Speaks--We're members of the Columbus Museum of Art, and this comes with the membership. We love to go down on Sunday after church and see the new show and eat lunch--my husband designed the cafe in the museum.

  13. Garage Slab--my latest find, which I'm passing out at the coffee shop, published in Bexley (suburb). I'm not a "guest mechanic."
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!


MommyBa said...

I haven't read any of those. But I do have a number of magazines too around here in my room - mostly about scrapbooking, fashion and home and living.

Happy Thursday!

I am Harriet said...

I feel like a dentists office whenever someone does a magazine fundraiser.

Have a great Thursday!

Janet said...

Those are some interesting magazines!

life's journey said...

Nice list for TT! Mine is up too.

Dane Bramage said...

I should look some of those up being a Buckeye myself (and close to Lake Erie).

My T13 is up. It is 13 things about me through Google Image Search. Stop by if you get a chance.

Alice Audrey said...

I've heard of JAMA, and I actually had a couple of issues of American Artist once, but the rest are all new to me.

Celticlibrarian said...

My favorite magazine is Mental_floss. I also have a gift subscription to Reminisce. I have to make a point to pass both on to my parents when I'm done. I have enough paper around already.

Forgetfulone said...

JAMA would probably be over my head, too, but I bet some of it is quite interesting. And watercolors! Bet that one's pretty.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I am envious! I used to get two (not counting Publisher's Weekly): Bicycling Magazine and Pittsburgh Magazine. Somehow, both subscriptions have been allowed to lapse. And I miss them terribly.

Ingrid said...

Is this TT the answer to

Tell we what magazines you are reading and I tell you who you are ? Lol !

Norma said...

We seem to have trouble getting our magazines to leave us alone. I think we may have finally dropped Wired--haven't seen it for awhile, and Architectural Digest. I think some went into the trash before I saw them. All magazines depend on subscription or reader lists, not because they cover the cost, but because advertisers want to know who is reading before they pay thousands for 1/4 a page. Don't ever complain about the amount of advertising in a magazine! They are the reason you have it.