Thursday, January 07, 2010

Thursday Thirteen Rerun edition

I originally wrote this in December 2006, about 3 years ago; 13 things I was wondering about. Still haven't answered these important questions, some of which were making small headlines that year.

This is the season of wonder, so I've been wondering, in no particular order, while you've all been fighting the crowds at the mall:

1) Have Catholics advanced spiritually more with the vernacular rather than the unifying language of Latin?

2) Do Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians have a better grasp of the gospel with loud rock music?

3) If every household now has 2 or 3 fuel efficient cars, are we really better off, environmentally speaking, than when we had one gas hog that could hold six people comfortably?

4) Has bussing children for 45-60 minutes to and from school ever improved the quality of education or even built friendships and understanding among the races and income groups?

5) How many lawyers will get rich from restaurant operators (passing the costs on to us) trying to figure out compliance with Ohio's new minimum wage law (now part of our constitution) and the anti-smoking bans?

6) What do little children strapped into safety seats in automobiles think about or learn listening to mommy chatter on the cell phone while ignoring them?

7) Do restaurant employees really "lávase las manos" before leaving the restroom?

8) Do baseball caps on guys really hide thinning hair, or do they increase the fallout and make it difficult to give their wives a kiss?

9) Will Nicole Kidman change Keith Urban's drinking behavior or has she made another bad marriage?

10) Will the visual quality and intellectual content of YouTube be a passing fad?

11) Do gun enthusiasts, hunters and collectors really need assault weapons?

12) Did George Clooney really share his bed with Max his 300 lb. pet pig and could this be the real reason he's not married?

13) Does sloppy, loose clothing hide weight gain or does it visually add pounds?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!


Sandy Kessler said...

oh my #6 think about that often sandy

Journeywoman said...

I too, like #6.

I am Harriet said...

Interesting questions indeed :)

Have a great day!

Janet said...

I think that the only one that can change his drinking behavior is himself.

Grandma said...

Interesting to see how some questions endure. Thanks for a fun list.

Andi said...

Wow, what a thought-provoking list! I have to say #6 is my favorite question too.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

I love this post! #2 I'm not sure but I've been to a Baptist church that rocks out too.

#3 so true!

#4 I don't think so

#8 rofl...
#12 Could be
Great post!

sobeit said...

Great list of questions. I especially wonder about #3! Happy TT!

Ingrid said...

Lol ! so many questions and no answer ! Only for George Cloooney I am quite sure, hehehe, and the fact that many people leave the restrooms without "lávase las manos" !

Americanising Desi said...

may i say i m truly boggled?

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CountryDew said...

Those are interesting questions. Regarding the bussing, I don't know that it has made a huge impact but I feel sure that there have been individual friendships and changes in relationships created because of it. Change has to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I guess I'm the official geek for TT, but I'm having so much fun watching live streaming CES coverage!

Amy said...

Interesting questions to ponder! I have wondered some of those myself!

Thanks for visiting my blog as well!