Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Weiner Fights to Control Lewd Photo Scandal

I don't care for Weiner at all--his attacks on Glenn Beck were just silly. However, I don't think he's stupid enough to send a photo of his arousal (or a stock photo of one) to a college co-ed through his Twitter account, and if making that mistake, would make the keystroke mistake also and send it to all his followers. These hackings are not impossible to track down, and in the meanwhile, I'll just say it couldn't happen to a more deserving creep.

Dem Weiner Fights to Control Lewd Photo Scandal


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
"Creep" is the word that immediately comes to mind when referencing this jerk.

Anonymous said...

Creep,jerk so civilzed ? So jr high

Norma said...

Creep is also the word I used for Tiger and Arnold, my 4 letter word vocabulary is a bit stunted, so I have to move on to 5.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Anon please excuse my crudeness. It was my feeble brain's attempt to match up to the subject matter.

Norma said...

Well I certainly guessed that one wrong, didn't I?